Cyclone TT-78 (CR-78 clone and more)

I can’t help but notice the 707/727 --> tt606/tt78 parallels in functional partnership, here.

Yeah, that’s a great point. The 707/727 pair made great techno. Oh man, I’m having thoughts now of using my Pioneer DJM-S9 mixer with these on each channel, mixing back and forth while scratching samples using vinyl.


Got both the TT-606 and the TT-78 yesterday. Really like the sound but the TT-78 was obviously broken so i have to send it back.
The noise floor was so high it overpowered the actual drum sounds. When turning down the Maracas it got better, but as soon as it was at 50% volume a really weird resonant white noise appeared. The tone knob also gave a weird noise when turning it.

Hoping the new unit will behave better!

Been interested in the TT-78 for a while.

Can anyone confirm whether or not patterns can be changed by MIDI program change? Thought I read on Gearslutz that it can’t but then again, it’s Gearslutz.

Anyone know of any other other current clones like this? with this kind of vintage keyboard accompaniment sound rather than x0x type sounds - for this kind of price?

Getting tempted and want to check the competition, if any

Hello everyone! We finished making the long version of our “In The Air Tonight” cover, of course again prominently featuring the Cyclone Analogic TT-78 :slight_smile: