CV output to MIDI In


Some people have tried to use a pitch-to-MIDI convertor on one output of the AK to sequence MIDI gear.

There are 4 CV/Gate outputs on two connectors (A & B and C & D) on the AK. Each can be used for CV or Gate applications: see Appendix C of the manual.

All four synth tracks (1 - 4), the FX track, and the CV track can be used as sources of CV & Gate signals.

I can’t find right now but there are a few threads discussing cv to midi options - it’s certainly possible with dedicated boxes, but my pulse plus does it and i believe the monotribe (midi-modded) will too - kenton probably make/made one

Also interested in suggestions from the community here. I’m finding most cv options beyond the ‘toy’ budget i’ve assigned to the CV voice. CV to midi would open up options like the Meeblip anode and other doohickeys. :slight_smile:

found this one

I was looking for something like this as well and ended up with a UT-1 kit from Electrongate. This is a CV/Gate to Midi solution It took a little adjusting and a custom firmware update from the designer but it worked well over 4 octaves. From what I could tell the gate out of the A4 opens over 1mS before the CV ramp completes so the UT-1 needed a wider delay than it had to define the capture point for the CV voltage that guides the midi note.

Again it worked in the end but it took a bit of effort to get there.

Well I might need to re-evaluate. $200 just so I can use a cheaper piece of gear is a bit backwards! Saving those pennies for an Erebus, I think.

I went with the $99 kit which is all you need but I agree it a tough sell to get one monophonic MIDI track. Although if you don’t have a eurorack setup or old cv/gate machine it does put that really nice a4 sequencer track with it’s arpeggiator in use. I really don’t understand why they didn’t give the option of CV/GATE or MIDI out - it really is just firmware at this point all the HW is there (maybe they will turn it on one day).

I still have it and may go back to it but I picked up an octatrack since then having struggled to find a usable drum machine in a computer free setup and wanting to attack the midi sequencing with more channels. .

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I have 2 MIDI’d Monotribes out of the 6 I have.
Going to experiment by taking one, setting up a super slow sequence with flux
and then port the midi to CV OCD as midi note to CV
and then take this lagged CV and send back to the filter cutoff mod I added.