Cuckoo's Octatrack Tutorial #2 - sampling

I’m having huge issues syncing my samples. I’ve read the tutorial section o PREPARING LOOPS AND SAMPLES, which seemed pretty simple and straight forward.

At step #7 I become lost…I open up my temp page and begin searching for a clean loop. I find the correct tempo, exit out; open my attributes page to set the original tempo. I re-engage the Time stretch and exit out, however.

The entire project has now changed tempo equal to what I choose on the attributes page. Therefore my I have a hefty load of samples in my audio pool which are all out of sync. I’m a noob, but this problem is driving me crazy. I haven’t watch the Cuckoo tutorial on Sampling yet, does anyone have any tips for me?


I´d say the best thing is to watch both tutorial videos of Cuckoo
regarding the Octatrack. I´ts hard to beat his way of explaining
the machine…