
I just got a bunch of free crypto using coinbase answering questions about various coins, there is a short presentation on each then a few questions to answer, if you get it wrong you can try again. I spent about 10 minutes doing all the quizzes and ended up with about £30 in crypto. You can trade the coins to other crypto using the app if you want to, but I decided to keep them and see where they go.

So if you use coinbase and have 10 minutes free it is worth doing.

These were what I got.


i know they’re risky but with bank interest rates very very low in the uk, they’re worth a punt (value can go up AND down etc etc blah blah).

i got .4 of bitcoin left … i think i bought 1 many years ago for about £30 … so its doing well so far. :slight_smile:

will have a look at coinbase… so many different currencies… and i have no idea how the tax man deals with this stuff


Thinks its something like first 10k per year in capital gains profit per year is tax free… then they come for it lol

I kind of doubt anyone here is an econ major, are they?

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I’m not an econ major, but the $50,000 investment I’ve been making since Christmas has already made me about $15,000 if I wanted to cash out now. I’m feeling good about going long though.

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Not crypto-related, but might be of interest due to the broader discussion of investing. Thought I’d drop this here. Best investment book I’ve ever read. Nothing too complicated or flashy, but it works for a slow and steady path to financial independence.

FYI, You can also get a taste here for free as a lot of the book is based on his blog writing. But the book is worth buying, or for the truly frugal - checking out from the library.


Sorry for offtopic, but whoever bought all those NVidia GPU’s for mining should know that they broke a gamers / digital artists heart this year…


Yeah I just looked this up myself, in the UK you pay tax when you sell or trade them i.e. make money off them, and declare it as capital gains tax, but you get an amount for free as someone else says

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Wasn’t there also a shortage due to chip fab issues? I seem to recall that several fab facilities were idled.

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True, but still it’s these folks here that gives me cringes:

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Watching the correction now with bated breath.

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I have no knowledge of cryptocurrency or stake in it whatsoever, I fully admit. Just saw this related article and thought I’d pass it along for those who might be interested in reading it.

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I have almost 1 Bitcoin I bought years ago and forgot my password for a long time.

I booted up an old laptop and it was in the browser. :).
All good now but I do have a bit of anxiety when I login … mostly based on the password being blanked and I need retype it and it doesn’t work.

If I had 7000 bitcoins and no password I’d probably have a mental breakdown or something.

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I’m regretting not buying the ETHE dip yesterday.

Roughly 10 Prophet 5s right now

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Sure. But could be 20 soon ( or 1 )
I don’t know much about it , I’m assuming it has peaked for a while.

The impact on PC GPUs is drastic indeed! I had a discussion with some guys who I usually talk to when I want to build a new computer. At the moment you can either get an either an entry level GPU that just connects to your monitors or a high end model for 1000+ €. I have an RX580 in my rig, it was the best price / value option four years ago for someone who is not into gaming and needs some power for Adobe Premiere etc. I looked up the prices and today it´s more expensive than when I got it! Really crazy. I hope it does not brake or I won´t be able to livestream anymore.

I don’t know if I should be glad to not have any BTC. I bet I would have cashed in at 6000$. So intense. So I am glad I don’t have to deal with it. It could go up to 400.000$ …who knows

i’ll need to look for when/if i cash out and have enough…

i’m wondering if its only on the profit made, or on the amount withdrawn.
e.g. if i’m unlucky i couldve bought £1000 bitcoin and panicked / cashed out with £800.

no profit but potentially still need to pay capital gains (assuming i hit the 10k limit too).

I think it’s on the gains/profit. So if you buy at 1000 and sell at 1200 you would have made a gain of 200, that would go towards the current 12,300 annual tax free allowance.

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