Crossfader Midi cc help

can i controll the crossfader movement with the midi track lfo? (cabling the midi out -> midi in)
think there was word of that in the forum, but the search is pretty bad, not accepting strings of information, only words…
manual says cc48 is for the crossfader, but no alteration to the sound is happening when tweaking that value, tried on auto channel and on a different one…
what am i missing?

that would be brilliant if it works!!!

it does work, make sure you’ve enabled both the Midi Channel and the particular CC param that you’ve set to cc48

Crossfader and MIDI does not work, you cannot control parameters on midi tracks with the crossfader. However, you seem to be talking abut something different, but…seems to me that if you do get it to work, it will not work on midi tracks, only the sample tracks.

It works lika a charm. Midi out to midi in! Brilliant. Tried it a minute ago and i havent thought of that.
It opens up a lot of possibillities.
You can for instance change settings for every pattern in a bank and dont use parts at all. I know that a lot of people dont like the parts system. I like it but this is great to use instead.

This sounds incredibly powerful!

We can send absolute values to the crossfader at any point in a pattern, is that right?

This opens up a huge number of new possibilities.

Midi controlled slices, scene morphing in the arranger, plocked crossfader sweep oneshot fills…

My mind is blown again!

Really. Mind controlled slices would have been better.

Really. Mind controlled slices would have been better.
Well, use your mind to operate the Midi controller and away you go.

:joy: … I don’t need a midi controller anymore, that’s my point.

Have a look at this if you find the time. The OTEN module allows you to configure your encoders freely. I’m always up for midi hacks, glad to see others tapping into the potential there. And if you have a good idea, implement and demonstrate it or let me know.

Very interesting. I think MidiPipe can do a similar job - ie. mapping CCs to other CCs/Channels.

Once I’ve finished my current project, I’m going to investigate whether it’s possible to do some form of algorithmical composition - possibly using Midi LFOs looping back in to control pattern selection.

Or has someone already got it working?!?

With midi pipe you are stuck to a laptop. I like to write my stuff for Pd/MMP so i can use it live more easily. Pd is perfect for algorithmic compositions, if you are into that. I come from a live performance vantage, so it has not been on my priority list… Yet.