Cre8Audio West Pest and MIDI controller

Please help! A month ago I bought a Cre8Audio West Pest but had to return it because it did not work with any of my MIDI controllers (chronic note/pitch hanging). Last week I bought a second WP from a completely different retailer and…this one is also unusable with any MIDI controller. Have I been extraordinarily unlucky to have bought two faulty models in a row? Or, in fact, is the West Pest MIDI interface broken? I suspect the latter - and that’s a shame because it sounds unique and the built-in sequencer/arpeggiater is a lot of fun. Does the WP require any further patching beyond connecting a controller via the MIDI-in jack/adapter? Is there some configuration I may have overlooked? I’ve tried various controllers, cables and even MIDI adapters but it is still impossible to play any sort of melody in real time.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Cre8audio East Beast & West Pest