CoronaVirus Thread

Hallelujah! :slightly_smiling_face:


SF Bay Area here - 6 of the 9 counties today announced a shelter in place, meaning you can’t leave your house other than for medical reasons and buying necessary food/supplies.

Girlfriend and I are working at home - it’s easy for me but apparently tons of other people at my company have never logged in from home before so there’s a huge mountain of technical issues to deal with now. And we had a skeleton crew of IT people on site but now they have to go home too due to the sheltering. If you accidentally shutdown your machine, you’re screwed!

I was a bit worried about food for us and the dog since the grocery stores are basically empty but we got some confirmed grocery deliveries later in the week and will hopefully continue that. I’m guessing places will be more stocked as soon as they’ve adjusted to the increased demand and the supply chains stockpile more things (paper towels, meat, etc.)

For me I’m most concerned about the long term impact than what is happening right now… the total dead at the end, a potentially extremely deep recession, lots of businesses and shops closing in my area that was bustling before (but very expensive rent).

Definitely shows we are not at all prepared for such ‘black swan’ events, although I guess that’s kinda the point.

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6.9 million people. Unreal.

I think all of USA will be there in 3 days.

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I live alone normally. Just Sunday, my mom compelled me to come crash with her because the cabin fever was coursing through my brain. I saw death in every corner.

Last weekend was very psychedelic. I stepped outside only for a few moments. And I always saw people just going about their days as though the pandemic isn’t a big deal. But I thought it was a big deal and these people frolicking about was so bizarre to me. I felt like a crazy person indulging paranoid machinations of my proclivity to fear and worry.

Anyway, I’m glad I eventually acquiesced to my moms request. My sanity has returned slightly as a result.

And if the entire country goes under lockdown, it would be alright with me- it would offer some comfort to for everyone to be on the same page.

Definitely doesn’t bode well for the economy though


I guarantee they were freaking out on the inside, most of them, but just not showing it.
People are desperately for normalcy right now. Especially those with kids, as you don’t want to panic and stress them out.

My mindset and priorities has totally changed. Making my food and disinfectant supplies last, keeping expenses low.
Probably cancel my car insurance for the month if I won’t be driving anywhere. We can use my wife’s car which gets better mileage

My wife can work from home. Her employer said they have a month and a half of operating funds in the bank. Let’s hope that’s enough for them.
She is keeping her cool, mostly worried about staying focused during the day working from home, as that is the time I let the kick drums rattle the windows, usually.


count yourselves lucky if you can work from home. I work in hospitality, no paid time off, no savings, not eligible for benefits in this country. if this last longer than a month I’m fucked.

still need to pay rent and bills though! :+1::hot_face::chart_with_downwards_trend::biohazard:


Yea. AppleCard/GoldmanSachs offered deferment of March bills and interest to April 30. That helps.
My electric company said they wouldn’t disconnect anyone until April 15. They need to drop the rates to cost, and perhaps less than cost (less profits made in Q1) or they just won’t have any customers in a couple months.
Really, all for profit utilities need to step up right now and shoulder the burden.


Really thought I’d wake up to online music retailers offering major discounts/sales to move product as so many consumers are out of work or are losing work (and their stock portfolios). But nope, nothing here in the US.

I know municiapal water departments are backing off cutting off peoples water a lot of places in the US.

For those who don’t live in the US, the “Unemployment Insurance” here can be pretty screwed up. It’s done on a state by state basis, so it depends where you live, as to the rules and whether you qualify. Since an employer’s portion payed goes up if they let people go, they often lie and say someone was fired with cause, in which case you often can’t collect. The insurance often only lasts 6 months and you have to wait for it to kick in. If you’ve only worked a short time, and you lose your job you’re not qualified. Etc, etc, etc. Some states are better, and some are worse.

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I put myself in lockdown a week ago, dry cough, sore throat, a strange feeling in my chest, and a very minor headache. But that was all – no fever, though i took my temperature constantly. The cough went away. I am extremely healthy and fit, i almost never catch anything, but in a risk group to the extent that age is.

Before this i did take the precaution of buying a Pulse Oximeter, a twenty (+/-) dollar device, that can measure how well your lungs are functioning. A prescient doctor friend of mine told me that you need to stay away from the hospitals, and recover on your own, unless things get really really bad and you have no choice. And that’s what the Pulse-Ox will show, as long as you’re above 90% your OK, stay home.

So now i don’t know if i had it, and may have immunity, or the cough and all was something else. But that’s OK – i’ll continue to stay locked down until the crisis goes away. Forget getting a test – i’m in the USA, they’re very short of tests, and it wouldn’t make sense for me right now.

The other piece of advice i got from my friend was to make sure i was not Vitamin D deficient – as medical evidence shows that that puts you at a greater risk for infectious pulmonary disease. I’ve been supplementing with D for years.

By the way both medical tips are backed up in recent videos by Dr. John Campbell. Here and here.

I really feel incredibly sad and angry, for the situation that refugees in camps around the world are facing right now. Not only have they been confined and beaten down for years, but now they face this, often with weakened immunity, and very often the aid workers there to help are being called home and not replaced.

And obviously too, i’m not giving medical advice, i’m not qualified, and your circumstances are unique to you.


Yep. As an Asthmatic myself, it’s a crucial device to have. I also topped up on my nebulizer solution. Just in case.

I’m glad you’re feeling okay and we’re proactive about self quarantining! And yea, this is way easier in the first world.



I’ve been supplementing with Vitamin D for over a year as well! I’m so happy my paranoia has been for something!


I was able to get in extra supplies of my asthma meds as well.

Just curious, are you by chance on a steroid inhalant? There were some reports in Japan that an asthma steroid inhalant is promising for treating COVID-19 pneumonia. It looks like the Japanese government increased supplies of it and they are doing further testing since they haven’t tried it on a large patient group yet. My understanding is that COVID-19 pneumonia is the result of the immune system going overboard and attacking the body and steroid inhalants work by acting as an immune suppressant. Fingers crossed the trial proves to be successful as there are generic versions of that drug available so it could be a low-cost interim solution while they work on a vaccine (which will be a year or more out).


For some reason this doesn’t produce a thumbnail of the article, but basically just says that the Japanese gov’t ordered 20,000 of those inhalers.

And this:

And this:

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Just want to highlight that surgical masks don’t stop the virus itself. But it stops any saliva from getting in or out.

Industrial masks made to stop asbestos and such are much better at stopping the virus


My kids is what keeps me sane. Even though they know about corona their way of living in the moment is just awe inspiring.

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Having to maintain the radio in NI. Was told to work from home from now on. But i still have to travel to transmitters and transponders. Need to keep the radios and TV on. Rumours are the military are going to come in which is another kettle of fish where I live. Still a no all island approach due to politics. Everyone keep safe.


Boris telling everyone not to go to pubs, clubs, restaurants, the office and don’t travel but refusing to close anywhere is just baffling.

The fact the south of Ireland has closed every pub on st pats and putting in place financial support for businesses speaks volumes compared to what we are experiencing in the north. We need an all island approach


My 5 year old made me laugh this morning. He’s been off School for the grand total of 1 day. Thought he’d love the pre holiday holiday but he said ‘Daddy, I’ve had 2% fun today because of Corona Virus’. Bless him. Mum’s off, due to office closure but she’s still working non stop remotely. She woke up with a cough though…,


Things are beginning to look bleak here in Australia. The mad panic shopping began a few days ago. I work in the events industry and as you can imagine gigs are being cancelled left right and center. I’ve heard some people going to some dark places with their words knowing their livelihood is drying up. It’s times like this I wish I migrated to NZ instead. Strange days my friends.