Copy Muted Track

Can you save a Pattern, then Copy that same Pattern with a Muted Track or 2 to a New Pattern, and will it play back Muted? or will it always play back unmuted?

Track will stay muted. Track mutes are not saved in patterns, they are indepedent from patterns.
Trig mutes are saved in patterns.

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Thanks, no wonder it didnā€™t work. Also, by ā€˜Trigsā€™, do you mean notes/steps on the 16 step sequencer?

Trig mutes are ā€œstep mutesā€. Besides the normal note trigs (=steps in the sequencer with note data), you can also enter accents, note slides, parameter slides and trig mutes in the sequencer.

OK, I understand a little just messing around on my own. Havenā€™t figured it out yet

What is ā€˜Direct changeā€™ under Bank Group for? and lights go red or greenā€¦

It relates to how patterns change. I would recommend consulting page 38 of the Mk1 manual for more info on how this works!

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