Copy a Bank from one Project to another

No, I usually just answer… :rofl: :joy:
Of course did I read it. But I was thinking about how this could be usefull when reorganising sets.
When exporting to a new set I still have to reorganize right?

You talked about your own struggles and giving up with it.
Then you mentioned a possibility to export to new. This is interesting but does not relate to what I was asking for (imho).
Please forgive me if I missunderstood you. :smiley:

I need to sort multiple banks (my songs) to a new project but into different banks than in the previous project.
If understand this right it will only export to a new project. But I need to sort banks from different projects.

Didn´t mean any harm, ok? :smiley:

In the post i linked i try to explain how to transfer a bank across projects, whatever the number of the bank.
Don’t mind the intro, just pay attention on the how-to part. You can assign it to Bank 1 or 12, it is the same.

Whenever you copy a part, the main issue is that the pointers to the samples are kept as such so you need to recreate these links so they are not broken.
If in Project A Bank 1, the track 5 points towards Kick32.aiff in slot 56 and you want to copy that bank to Project B Bank 13 but the slot 56 is already occupied, you’,l have to manage this somehow.
Same for the P-locked samples.

Then for reorganizing a set, it is another story. It is a PITA to copy bank even if doable, you don’t want to do it each time you want a new setlist order or you’ll end up with dozens of folders with same samples and naming them to load the proper one would be a struggle as well.
For this I recommend the use the arranger and its chains.

Copy patterns and parts is boring.

You can copy / paste a bank on the card (computer or OT file manager).
16 patterns and 4 parts

Then sorry, I really misunderstood that, sorry.
And thank you for once again pointing me to that. :+1:

I know that and therefore every Song has it’s own distinct subfolder. I guess, as long as the folder structure stays intact (in the audio folder) my bank/song will find it’s sliced stems, right?

Will the parts be exported with the bank, yes they are

This is the part I still don’t understand.
If I get you right there is no way the octatrack finds it’s samples when I change the bank the triggers/plocks/samples slots live in?

I have to try that because I am heavily organized.
For the most part my songs consist of 4-6 slice-stems and are understandably named.
Not one single drumsound. This is DT.
If it’s only about setting the right slots, might be not more than an hour of work (guessing :wink:)

That’s one of the surprises the octatrack had for me. I don’t like the arrangement that much. I want to perform the patterns from the first accessible layer.

Hey Blasted_pingin (what does that mean?) thank you so much for helping me thinking this over. :grinning:

This seems to be what I am looking for. Export and reimport in a new project.
Set one - 8 banks, set two - 8 banks = 1,5h of music?

With computer you mean renumbering the actual bank?

You are an octatrack bodhisattva, have good karma and may love be with you. Thank so much :smiley:

I’d like to buy you a beer sometime

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Not necessary if the bank has the same number.
Lets say you want to copy/paste project 1 bank 03 © to project 2 bank 05 (E)

  • Delete bank 05 (project 2)
  • copy/paste bank 03 (project 1) in another folder
  • rename it as bank 05
  • Copy/paste bank 05 (project 2)

Depends, 1.5m or 1.5 year if you wish ! :content:
Organasing songs is another debate.

Do you mean slots lists and slots per machine are kept intact?
No need to collect samples? What if slots are already taken?

And I rely heavily on my DT for the drums. Need to send the right PCs.
Rearrangement on DT with elkherd needed, of course.

Correct if you paste a bank it will keep its assigned sample slot, but will load the sample slot from the current project so if you have a track assigned to sample slot 1 and you have a sample loaded into slot 1 — say a kick drum — it will load the kick drum, not the sample that it was linked to in the original project.

Yes so basically it is the same to copy Part than Bank.

Not making any sound is a happy accident