Cool Doug Love's Sampletrak Sample Pack (free download)

Hey all,

As some of you might know. I love my old Zoom Sampletrak. I really like what its pitch algorithm can do to the sounds that I record. I like the fuzzy sound you get when you sample at 32 kHz. And I especially like the crunch and the artifacts that come with sampling at 16 kHz.

In order to capture some of that magic, I’ve made some multi sampled instruments with Akai’s free MPC Beats software. The samples themselves will work in any DAW. However, the MPC Keygroups are already set up and ready to play.

This is my first attempt at making any kind of sample pack. So please let me know what you think. And if you wind up using them, please tag me so that I can hear them in action!


Awesome thanks man! Needs to be converted for DT?

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Lovely stuff! Thanks!

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I thought about a Digitakt version but I decided against it this time. My thinking is that the best way to use a multisampled instrument is with the slice machine. But because each of these samples are different lengths, there’s not a good way to set that up.

If and when I make the Sampletrak drum pack I’ll definitely include a Digitakt version.

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This is brilliant. I don’t know why I never thought to use the Sampletrak in this way.

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To be fair, the Sampletrak doesn’t make it as easy as it should be.

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This is true. But the sound. Oooh that filthy, lo-fi sound…

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@Doug man this is awesome, and going to have to give these a spin on octa :muscle:

Btw, great work on the video, and your style and explanations make me really want to play on that combo someday :ok_hand:

Thank you for sharing the fruits of your labor with us :beers:

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Thanks man! I appreciate it

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@Doug played around with some of your bass samples the other day and man they are so damn PHAT! :partying_face:

Was not expecting that at all, and I have to turn them down a lot on OT (good “issues” :wink:) . Great job on the sounds man, I’ve only played with 3 bass samples so far, and I’m excited to hear what the others have to offer! Thanks again :beers: