Convenience Vanity

I made this using Ableton(I’m sorry if that’s a deal breaker). I’m trying to get the same sorta feel for designing sounds/tracks through a computer screen as I did with the intimate hardware I used to own. Also, I’m coming back from a dry spell/devastated inspiration.

I don’t know if this song is cool or terrible, would love some feedback. The name’s pretty cool, though(I think). Constructive criticism is fine. Blunt opinions are also fine(The mods need not worry about this thread as far as I’m concerned)

Thank you!

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I thinks it’s cool and terrible… :sweat_smile:
It’s cool, but the bass at first doesn’t line up with the chord’s notes, maybe you meant to do that?
In the middle it’s just too dissonant/out of tune for my tastes, I imagine that’s how you want it?
I like all the high pitch fast stuff going on…

I think it would be sweet if it was all tuned up in a regular old music sorta way…:grin:

Basically I hear a fun catchy thing in there, but it’s all sorta dissonant for me to really dig it.
Maybe I’m old fashioned, but if you tuned that shit up my head would bob more when listening…
Nice work though… :monkey_face:

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I’m hearing that too…

I thought I had my notes in accordance to the crazy scale I was using(I pretty much just made up a scale around the melody I was using, and I was trying to ease in the odder clashing traditional scale features- I guess the bass was the wrong place to try to fit that in- I wanted it to be disconcerting, but the bass line doesn’t add to that suspense- I’m forced to accept after your comment)

Shoot! I’ll remove the track from streaming and see if I can change a few notes.

Thanks for your honesty! :slight_smile:

Sheeeeit! Too late to the party. I want to hear the dissonance. There are crazy chords with inherent dissonance… And they’ve all got their place. Perhaps you could still use the dissonances and work them into a crazy chord progression

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I suppose that the bass would have to cover less low end, and more mid-frequencies to better domonstrate the intended eerieness?

I think the biggest error is that the chords and melody- while shifting in and out of what I believe to be an ordinary scale, made too much sense, and the bass(designed for a more lowend sensory demonstration over an actual audible presence) was sorta left hanging out with a sore thumb. Didn’t make sense

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I’m an improv guitar player that plays by ear so I’m really sensitive to this stuff. What I heard from the bass at the beginning was that the notes didn’t match the root note of the chords at the right time, it was kind of doing its own thing and sometimes would harmonize strangely…
In no way did I think you would take the track down, normally I just add a like to people’s tracks and just say something nice, but you asked for criticism so I gave it… :smiley:
You ought let some other nauts hear it too. If it were me I’d tune it different, but you might want that dissonance… Maybe somewhere in between where it harmonizes a little more but not all the way?
I do think it’s good work, I feel funny because this is the first time I gave actual critism on Elektronauts and you took the track down… :confused:


I was hearing the same thing- and I took the track down because it confirmed what I already knew to be true- even then the dissonance of the bassline wasn’t thematically off(something I felt too)

I’m redoing the track now, I think I’m done. Should be reupped soon :slight_smile:

Track edited and reupped! Thanks for the constructive criticism! :slight_smile:

Edit: NOW it’s good(probably a bit of touch up to the sound of the bass at the beginning, but the longer that file is offline, the more it makes me look petty- which I’m not)

Thanks again

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Sorry I can’t embed it :confused:

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Great stuff. Reminds me of something you might have found on an Artificial Intelligence comp in the early 90’s

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Thank you, sir!

Never heard of that Artificial Intelligence comp. I’ll have to check it out!

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(BTW: Aphex playing as Polygon Window playing as “The Dice Man” that crazy SOB :smiley: )

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I know. Seminal comp if you’re into IDM