Consider to buy an Octatrack MK1: Hope of a cure, or other solutions?

I see the v1 quite often for something like €220 is it worth or should I look out for v2 when I start to expand my setup?

MM1 is good too. More gentle monster. No FM, 8 voices vs 2x6 (or 12), better drive and fx on MM2…

2 MM1 exemples sequenced / recorded by OT. MM1 sound only, + OT FX.

MM2, can be a real monster imho.

The OT gets compared to DAW’s a lot, but sometimes I think it is more like a flexible Max patch. It’s a tool that you configure to do certain tasks. The UI is really quick, I don’t know such another easy access fully featured looper. I like the way the Octatrack surprises you, but I guess it can also be used in quite formal ways - or as a MIDI sequencer. Everyone should probably have an OT in the studio, but they’re easy to flip because their resale is high. I don’t much like saving and loading things on the OT, much prefer just to be jamming and recording on the fly. When I’ve had an OT it just winds up being a transparent box, silence at the end of every session. Anyway, it’s worth giving it a go yourself, but I do t think it would replace your laptop setup, just be some fun/downtime away from that, and sounds you can integrate into your sessions.


…ahhhh, finally all mysteries solved…

now we know…THAT’s why mk1’s sound a little more like a fad gadget…because it is the fadder gadget…i love fad gadget…even if it’s just that little tick of new push distance of these newer push encoders to push…i can hear that laud and clear and big time…

Got my new OT MK2 yesterday. A huge investment for me, so I hope it’s worth. The first three hours with the machine went already good and it was much fun. Not so complicated as I thought it would be. Without looking up the manual I came quite far. Tommorow I’ll have enough time for recording, sampling, resampling stuff (didn’t worked as expected but I didn’t consulated the manual).

I was surprised about the little handle to eject the cf card… It stands out quite a bit. I’m concerned about this idea of construction.