Conflicting sounds

hi, because when I create a song some sounds (different tracks) are in conflict? like a chord played by a sound it becomes monophonic when the note of another sound plays. Or hear a “clip”.

Yeah, the synth has four voices, so if you play four tones on track one simultaneously, you’ve basically used up all the voices of the synth.

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Not four voices every track? So i can only play for example 2 notes together in track one,1 note in track two,and 1 note in track three?

You have a total of four voices. Hence Analog Four.
Now you can have control over voice priorities. See Kit menu / Poly mode to completely avoid a voice to be stolen. Or try different modes of voice stealing, and learn how to master this.

Another trick is to create chords with one voice only, by tweaking the two oscillators and the “5th” bass.
IIrc osc 1 to 3, osc 2 to 7 with sub to 5th gives you a minor chord.
Osc 1 to 4 for a major. There is some more info somewhere on this forum :wink:


When you’re dealing with Analog synthesis you’re working with a more limited resource than with digital synthesis. Four Analog voices for four tracks would be insane resources and would cost a lot more money.

Each voice is equivalent to a piece of hardware installed in the machine- and not just an algorithm.

Even as just using the Analog 4 as four individual mono synths is a crazy powerful concept, and then the flexibility to share the voices between tracks is just over the moon awesome


Let’s compare it to the Deepmind 12 that’s a fraction lower- even with its massive offering of 12 voices- still 4 voices less than your ideal A4 and it’s missing the poly timbral capability and insanely powerful sequencer(not to mention, it’s a Behringer)