Confirm? Direct Jump with LEN: "INF" doesn't work in OS1.30B

Just updated to OS 1.30B.

When I attempt direct pattern changes, if pattern length is INF, it’s as if I am using Direct Start, instead of Direct Jump.

If I set the pattern to 1024 steps, Direct Jump works as expected.

Can anyone confirm this?

edit: Also, my A4 is doing this since its own 1.23B update

Yes, it has already been confirmed in another thread.

EDIT: The fact that Direct Jump is buggy was confirmed, but not this specific case in particular.

Long thread but here’s @Ess:



I guess it’s back to 1024 master length for a bit, then. :zonked:

Not going to downgrade, as I need the Performance macro titles displayed (a fix with 1.23B) more than I need INF length.