Computer Video Game Recommendations

Cybercon III? No, dont think so .

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Totally spacey :space_invader:
Just got lost in a small portion of someones 1hour+ YouTube of Cybercon III :hole:


Perhaps foolishly or fittingly for the times, Iā€™ve started playing This War of Mine again. Fits the general bleakness.

Also The Long Dark. I guess Iā€™ve been preparing for this self-isolation and social distancing thing for a while!

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  • Half-Life series (all of them)
  • Portal 1 & 2
  • Metal Gear Solid (original) / VR missions (super fuN!)
  • Resident Evil 1 (remake) & 4 (surprisingly reflective in a B-movie/satire kind of way)
  • Ace Combat 3 (GREAT music too!)
  • Snatcher & Policenauts (cool cyberpunk/detective noir)
  • F-Zero (especially SNES - still my favorite VG music!)
  • Firewatch (emotional and suspenseful)
  • Skies of Arcadia (cheesy and campy JRPG, but just so lovely and heartwarming! Cool ship combat too - CLASSIC)
  • Elite Dangerous (ever wanted to be a space truck driver? - actually fun tho)
  • Thomas was Alone (simple story driven platformer - different characters w/ different shapes have different abilities - short, clever, and crazy fun!)

Pretty sure most can be found on Steam for os x, Windows, orā€¦ open emu ā€¦ :innocent:


Skies of Arcadia?? :roll_eyes:


They never managed to match this one in the series. Still such a brilliantly balanced strategy game


Sad that I can NOT recommend Elite Dangerous: wide as an ocean, shallow as a pond. It is sad indeed - I had my hopes high, even backed it up in beta phase as soon as knew of it existence back thenā€¦ Not the money well spent.

Maybe, just maybe old Elite 3: First Encounters is betterā€¦ or Ad Astra, or Oolite; there was another opensource one which I actually played, but unfortunately I forgot the name.

That somehow reminds me of Space Rangers 2 and in turn of Vangers - that voxel beauty with a particular style. There is no other game quite like it.

X series have been mentioned. Iā€™ll mention X: Rebirth then.

oh man, I actually have this one installed now on my ā€œworkā€ UNIX laptop! This, and before mentioned Alpha Centauri.


You forgot to quote the ā€œalmostā€ part Lol I was kinda exaggerating but havenā€™t played skies of arcadia Iā€™ll have to check that out ! But I burned the music DAW for dreamcast, was Japanese and had a midi controller dongle to attach a midi keyboard. Actually saw the midi cable for it at a pink gorilla in Seattle but didnā€™t have any money :confused:
I think Elemental Gimmick Gear was my fav dreamcast game along with gundam side story 0079.

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Whoa! Iā€™d love to see and hear some of that!

Oh, youā€™ve gotta try out Skies (if youā€™re in the right mood). I couldnā€™t believe my friends actually liked it, then I kept playing and fell madly in love. Basically flying a sky ship around to different locals. The power up moves are really sweet too. :relaxed:


I really like adventure games, so:

  • The last of us
  • Uncharted (the entire series)

Both played on ps4.


Mars Matrix?

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Thief 1 & 2
System Shock 1 & 2
Half Life (all of them)
Bioshock (all of them)

On the c64
Laser Squad (obviously)
Lords of Chaos


I spent half of my childhood playing Laser Squad and itā€™s predecessor Rebelstar! (on the Amstrad CPC)

Oh, and Elite.

Not sure if games have improved that much since the 8 bit days.


A few Iā€™ve been playing lately.
Dead Cells (If youā€™re into Metroid type games)
Disco Elysium (Point and Click adventure from the old days, with nice soundtrack, and art. Style for days)
Katana Zero (Hotline Miami with a Katana)
Blasphemous (2D Dark Souls)
Fifa/PES/Football Manager (Guilty Pleasure. I solely play the career mode, and get kind of OCD with creating ā€œMoney Ballā€ type of situations.)
Sekiro (Dark Souls with Feudal Japan flair)


How could I forget Hotline Miami. Iā€™ve had Tony on my laptop for years. I freaking love that game!


We Love Katamari

Resident Evil 2, 4 & Revelations 2
and Everything:

Special mention goes to Rose & Camelia:

I always want to like games but I rarely do.
On a retro kick atm and might give an ancient game called Policenauts a go. Or Zork, finally.

They have a collection of video games at MoMA:


Whoa, this one seems to have music made by Hecq - I should def. check this one out, thank You.


Hehe yeah. This one is a gem. Itā€™s the same guy who did the Earth Worm Jim.

It also has a great soundtrack. A bit silly but still good.


Riven, Myst, Hexen, Thief, Operation Neptuneā€¦

Some heavy nostalgia there. Operation Neptune was an education game but I was really young and it was my first PC game haha. Itā€™s free on DOS archive or something like that now

Riven had like 9 CDs or something wild that you had to swap depending on where you were.

Recommend Riven/Myst for sure if you like puzzle games. Rare genre these daysā€¦

A bit of a throwback :upside_down_face:

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heavy rain :umbrella: - story driven vibes.
maybe donā€™t play it if you have kids. :slight_smile:
assassins creed brotherhood (Rome). the best ACšŸ‘ŒšŸ½
playin oddysey at the mo. beautiful but the rpg style levelup sh1t is a bit annoying.

uncharted 2. (the lost legacy has some amazin bits too. the rest of em have aiming & level design issues imo).

c64 -
Friday 13th.