Ive bought the AR a while ago but still dont have it, its waiting for me in the US, next month im probably traveling there to pick that bastard up and want to get a synth that complements it because I dont know when Im going to return to the US so I got the chance, I see I’m very covered for drums and also some synth duties with Rytm but I was looking probably at a modular system with a couple of voices and probably 2 sequencers, something like this maybe http://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/108680… or maybe A4 or sub37 are some of the options, feel free to recommend any gear u might feel it would sound nice paired with rytm to do some killer Lives. Im currently owning an electribe sx volca bass and keys and a bit of mix in ableton.
I would say OT. You can do synthesis by loading up waveforms onto it and it sounds very cold and digital, good compliment to the analog fat sounds of the AR.
Wouldn’t recommend A4; it has a similar texture to AR so it might be analog overkill
Id go for the A4. Best minimalist setup at the moment. I always found the octatrack being too indirect at synth duties compared to the a4, it just is not a synthesizer… it does not have such an immediate workflow either.
Though it depends of the kind of music you want to make. But with everything that relies on synth sounds definitely A4.
If you’re on a budget but you like Spacey 101 stuff consider a Mutable Instruments Anushri, which also has a drum synth/sequencing trick…the drum sounds are boring (although you can hack them or load your own, if you like delving into the software), but it also sends out MIDI, and it uses a very innovative mapping function the generate a large range of semi-random but always musical rhythms. The synth side of it is totally analog with a VCO rather than DCO and sounds very very close to the SH-101.
Id take the intellijel Stuff. i just think modulars are way more fun and awesome sounding. I Think the metropolis can be a little difficult to get your hands on though. But many other great options in euroland. I have two orbitals in the drawer waiting to be built.
My current fave liverig would be an MPC1000, Waldorf Blofeld and the Rytm, with the Rytm supplying the master midiclock, mpc supplying the sequencing. Just need to trade my MPC2500 for an MPC1000 and I’ll be set
IMO the Blofeld complements the Rytm quite well, but you need a sequencer to feed it some notes (only has an arpeggiator).
If you want to add only 1, I’d suggest the analog four. I have to disagree with bandersong, the AR couldn’t be more different from the A4. The only thing they share is the sound of filter2. To get those sh101 lines, be sure to use the feedback oscs on the A4.
If you plan to add more, an OT would be better, because it can be used as main sequencer for up to 8 other synth channels. Add a multi-timbral synth later on (nord rack, blofeld, virus, etc) so you can sequence all kinds of medolic layers with just the OT.
If I get the atlantis I would sequence it with metropolis or René probably, maybe I do not want a laptop free setup at the moment because I dont have a mixer so I mix my sounds with my Audio interface inside Ableton. I dont have much synths knowledge but what I like about modular is the knob per function interface. Analog Four its a really tempting option yes, but probably I prefer the knob per function and cuteness of cables in modular, just saying.
all my music buddies that went modular never came back.
u’ll add more modules and u’ll have a little monster in no time. most stopped spending money on other gear though
A4 compliments the AR best in terms of size and similar operation. I’d just feel too much like the average-joe-DJ-guy having the same setup as thousands of others. that said, heard a lot of bombastic live acts with elektron gear only. just buy what ur heart tells you
what sequencer would you recommend me as a newbie in modular, or even what voice will you? why the metropolis is hard?
How do you see a modular system for live perfomances? Is it hard to get it going and interesting? I like to do from drone ambient acid music to dark minimal techno… anyways u get the point.
the intellijel metroplis is tempting me hard to add some modular, I’m holding back because if I get a single module it would be over and I would be broke fast…there are plenty of modules I want already
I say go modular, sample it being all modulated and fun and play the samples in your AR.
It isn’t impossible to use a modular live but you better REALLY know your modules to be able to patch consistently and quickly. Also you need a way to keep the modular and AR in sync, there are ways for sure, but just letting you know.