Companions for the machinedrum mk1

Hello to all you elektronauts!

This is my first post on this excellent forum.
I have owned the machinedrum mk1 since it’s first release. (About 20 years ago I think).
I never really explored the full potential of this amazing instrument and have had a long break from creating electronic music.
I have started to write music again however, and am absolutely loving the machinedrum!
I would like a companion for it, (maybe 2), but not sure what to go for.
The machinedrum mk1 is not the UW version so I was looking into getting the AR Mk2 and maybe also the A4 Mk2 to go with it. Is it a bit overkill to go with both?
At the moment I use the machinedrum sequencer and parameter locks to get a groove going, then record it using Ableton or Cubase. Overbridge sounds very appealing!:ok_hand:
Would it be better to have a look at the Octatrack Mk2?
From what I have seen the octatrack looks very hard to learn.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I can only say it depends on you.

What do you miss? We don’t know what type of music you do, we can’t know if you like warm analog sounds or harsher fm-y sounds, or glorious melting monomachine sounds, or perhaps other percussions? Do you like to play keys, are you into sound design? Or do you need a ton load of presets?
Maybe you want an audio interface with multiple audio inputs first, so you can multitrack record the outs from your machinedrum at once and you would love to tinker in vcv rack in your daw to it?
Perhaps, maybe…


Hi gekkonier,

Thanks for replying.
I love music in most styles but the music I like to make most is techno. I also want to get into composing for film/tv a lot more.
I definitely love the warm analog sound and want to get into sound design rather than endlessly searching for presets.
Also would like to get into playing live at some point.
The audio interface I use is the RME UCX. It has 8 analog I/O. Will this be enough to connect 3 electron machines?

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It sounds like the A4 could be the winner for you.
The performance knobs are good to programm exaggeration into your sounds while maintain mixing into one knob actions. Like the name says it’s perfect for performance.
I’m not sure if you can overbridge the a4 and multitrack the machinedrum in one go (I guess you can!), but the a4 is really a lovely synthesizer. You can also make techno with one a4 alone too, it’s a very capable drum computer too. Also it has a song mode. Next is you can stick pedals into it, and a master keyboard. It’s a versatile workhorse.

Another option is the Digitone. It may not be so featurepacket than the a4, but its sound engine is very very inviting to explore. You can get very cool sounds out of it which might be interesting for scoring too. You can get warm tones out of it too and it has a small footprint. Also more voices than the A4.


I’d go with an A4, MK1 or MK2 , your choice.
But instead of the AR MK2 for sample playback, due to the absence of UW on your MD, check out the Model Samples.

It’s very immediate, rewarding, and it’d be a nice trinity with MD and A4. Would save you some money as well.


If you buy a Digitakt, a Digitone, an A4 MK2 or a Rytm MK2, you can use their USB connections with Overbridge and record the Tracks individually (no audio cables needed). But you will need a computer to do music.

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Thanks for all replies.
Looks like the A4 Mk2 is a winner. I’ve looked at the Model Sample. I ruled it out as you can not sample direct into the machine and I think I would like to have that option. Also no overbridge.
Which is why I was thinking about the AR Mk2. Is it a waste of money having the ARmk 2 as well as the A4 Mk 2?
Electron updated the audio engine in all machines after the machinedrum mk 1.


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The best companion for the Machinedrum is the Monomachine.
The best companion for the Digitakt is the Digitone.
The best companion for the AR mk2 is the A4 mk2.


The best companion for OT is…anything.

OT is definitely the best for sampling.
Record perfect loops with rec trigs.
Mangle recordings on the fly.
Btw it was inspired by MD UW. :content:

I think an OT and a DN can replace an MD UW advantageously.


Welcome! The Octatrack isn’t really hard to learn - it just has a lot to offer so a lot to learn. However, as a MachineDrum user you could use it without hardly looking at the manual. All the basic functions are quite easy and very similar to using the MachineDrum.

If you are keeping the MD, I’d perhaps look at an A4 or Digitone. The MD can get you very far as far as beats go. Only thing really “missing” would be separate track lengths. If you are good not having that you should be fine with doing beats on the MD depending upon your style.

Also just realized that adding either will give you different track lengths on the MD because you can use the midi sequencer of either to sequence the MD! Add a Volca Sample or similiar and you’ve also got samples on your MD.


Digitone is dope! Very capable and has a great high quality digital sound. However, you can coax some sounds out of it that can sound like a traditional VA synth. It can be quite flexible with it’s 4 tracks, 8 voices, and different track scaling. I also use a Machinedrum and I love the combination. They sync flawlessly and the sounds can mix together very well.

Digitone is a classic in the making.



I will take another look at the octatrack. I’m thinking I could maybe go for a used mk 1 version. Are there any ‘must have’ features on the mk 2 version?

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Same OS, same functions, different shortcuts / look. I wouldn’t sell my MKI for an MKII.
Not a big difference with A4 MKI/MKII besides the big size and different from factor. :meh:

Wtf are my knobs? :content:


Could you even sell it looking like that??? :joy: Where’s your cross fader too??? Loving the black MD tho :heart_eyes:


It was a cleaning emergency! :smile:
Focused on MD, I forgot knobs for the picture…

Yes, sold my MD without the black faceplate.
I’m forced to buy another MD…:crazy_face:

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The black MD looks awesome!
What do you think is a fair price for an octatrack mk 1 in mint condition?
Has anyone ever had to replace any of the MD pots?
My master volume is faulty. The audio breaks up and I temporarily loose the left channel when it is touched. I saw that Elektron are no longer taking any MD’s for repair.

That is not true. Mine is on its way back from repair right now.

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I believe they are not repairing mk1 units any more due to lack of parts. It may depend on the fault though as perhaps eg the pots have not changed and they can still fix. I damaged a couple of pots on my mk2 and it was repaired by Elektron for a reasonable price.

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Sorry, I did mean mk1 MD’s.

I’ll get in touch with Elektron and see what they can do.

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