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I’ve recently upgraded my 32GB 50MB/s CF to the SanDisk Extreme 120MB/s 64GB. Works perfectly.

I didn’t notice a difference in speed concerning Octatrack project operations. But I did notice a difference in data upload speeds when transferring files from my laptop to the Octatrack via USB Disk Mode.


I wonder if an Elektron official could shed some light on why the 64GB card size limit exists. @Olle ?


Maybe it has OCD and just prefers the number 64

hi all
I have buy a
SANDISK Extreme 32GB 120Ms/s UDMA7 800X
SANDISK Extreme PRO 32 Gb 160 mb/s 1067X UDMA7
The both DON’T WORKS
I m completely disappointed

@carniraz that’s weird. Did you manage to get it to work?

Hi. I need a CD card for ot.
Can it handle 128g
Does 800x. Or 1066x Make a difference.
Is trandsend better than sandisk.
Love and Blessings to you all

…get a sandisk PRO ULTRA something…64gb max…don’t go for cheap here…it’s THE essential detail on the ot for anything to come…be always gentle, soft and careful when putting it in…never rush if changing…

The maximum size which the OT can handle is 64GB (documented somewhere here in this thread and also in the manual).

800x or 1066x doesn’t make any difference for the OT itself. Just when using the CF card in an external reader it may be faster (depends on the reader, of course). But who needs an external reader when transferring data via USB is so simple and convenient? No need to remove the card from the OT.


Perhaps there’s not much value in speeds > 50 MB/s for most applications, but what about loading time?
Have any of you upgraded your card, put some old projects on it and noticed any improvement in loading-time?

So I had to do a fair bit of backing up tonight, making backups of my backups, as I have 6 CF cards of varying varieties. Might as well utilize them.

While doing it I tested some read speeds. Moving the same eight 100MB/ea .wavs from the CF card inside the Octatrack, into a folder on my desktop.

For whatever it is worth, these are the results:

  • 4GB Kingston 133x Elite Pro(Original card included with the OG OT)

  • 8GB Sandisk 200x Ultra “30MB”

  • 16GB Kingston 266x Ultimate

  • 64GB Sandisk Extreme 800x “120MB”


FWIW, I wouldn’t bother with Lexar anyone. Micron discontinued the Lexar flash storage operations 3.5 years ago.

I bought a “new old stock” Lexar card that was supposed to be 1066x. Arrived today and isn’t even as fast as the 133x Kingston in read or write.

Yea, it’s just an anecdote, but with the company no longer around, no reason to waste your time.

SanDisk 4lyfe!


Can someone please explain to me why Elektron is still using the ancient CF format instead of the much more adopted and available SD card format?

probably because it would require a hardware and firmware revision, and then they’d have different versions of the same product


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