Coming soon

I hope this is an omen to an imminent DT/DN update. Crossing my fingers…

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It seems everybody ran off this thread.



exactly, its to much, low end market ? and 399 dollar, in EU rhey asking 460 € thats little less than Digitakt. and if this Box dont handle Stereo Samples its ridiculous.

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I had a S20 in like 1995. First sampler I ever had… made me NOT want another sampler for a long time! This looks better than the S20, but I still don’t know if it’s for me now…I agree maybe if I was 15 again this would be great since it’s relatively cheap compared to the rest of the Elektron range…

One thing that stuck me was where is the SD card slot? I mean it seems like they want me to take the thing out in the world and they make a big deal about it being light… so I guess I am caring around a laptop too if I want to access different samples then what are already on the machine??? I am sure there is a big reason(load times/access time) but it still seems like something that should be there IMO.

I will buy it,if the work flow will be oriented around performance oriented drum machine.
Let’s see, design wise - maybe they will offer some faceplates if you not into teens segment)

oef NO GAS for a new Elektron eum (has never happened)
What a big relief it’s the most ugly machine they have ever build (even a sidstation is way cooler) ugly interface, ugly knobs, tiny screen, no mention of OB, ugly size of the box, minijack midi pff,no audio in, crippled machine but yet laughing in our face at all higher end Elektrons that don’t have retrig, microtiming, indiv swing per track, scales, indiv tempo multiplier,… What a boooooh marketing strategy! (Luckily for that money we can buy 2 new volcas or almost a Minilogue xd or a TE modular)

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Or almost 4 Volca:Drum…

530 Dollar ??? this is truly Apple rip off style


Ugh…stickers. 1992?

Okay another speculation: OB will not work in Logic before the new product line hit the stores. As a longterm Elektron user I feel this is a shame. Just saying.

Funny to compare: the Novation Circuit is only 349 Euro and has much more potential. Also a great track record of updates.


Its nice and all, still hope there will come some big boxes , thats what elektron Made famous to me, and it would make more sense if it was half the price

not for this price and without Stereo Sample handling.

That TE modular 400 looks cheaper every minute I stare at this thread. Makes better samples too I reckon.

Mmm, just … 2 * CV/Gate out on the new white Elektron Model would have got me interested a little more. The Op Z will cover (semi) modular sequencing soonish, good call TE.

OT still emperor, master of crossing sample swords, live.


Possibly…Kind of risky road to go down though. Apple are the only company with iOS and that whole eco system of apps. Elektron are one of many gear companies on an even playing field. A lot of other companies making good, surprising gear these days… Feel like it’d be a good move for Elektron to get some wow factor flagship type stuff out there pretty soon before other companies get a look in while Elektron are preoccupied with carefully dismantling existing features in to ever decreasing sized/featured boxes. Nothing against the new boxes, but nothing there of real interest to me either. Hopefully there’s a market for them and more new hardware is around the gear.

Very cautious and diplomatic response. :grinning:
Reading that was like watching Dan Akroyd talk about the female Ghostbusters movie.


go go :slight_smile:
Then maybe then you can feed us :palms_up_together:

Ill be stoked if you can chose/set the LED color! :wink:
For me its about the lights hahahah

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But those machines have other features like slides for example :slight_smile: