
After a 25y break I also started coding again a bit, just setting up with some tooling, a few books and playing around with some demo’s from GitHub.
Using Clojure here!

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Did you use Lisp before, or is this a fresh start ?

Fresh start! Totally new to functional programming here, I was more the spaghetti type 🥸


Hi all :slight_smile:

The algorithm recommended this blog article to me and I figured this would be a great place to share. Good background on synthesis and well as some python concepts:


i was not sure where to post this, so let’s post here.
stopping many of my regular activities makes room for other activities.
my 1st useful piece of python code. i mean, not just a tutorial exercise, but something i’ll use daily — DAW-agnostic finger drumming layout.
by my own tradition, i made this before real language syntax learning :tongue:


I see that there is a prototyping development system for MIDI 2.0 systems, along with the A2B which provides for thirty-two digital audio channel connections. The prototyping system is called ProtoZOA. ( One of those cutesy industry sort of names. )


I posted about the use of A2B for MIDI 2.0 in the MIDI 2.0 thread.

ADDED : Looking at the AmeNote ProtoZOA web page, i’m not seeing specific mention about A2B. So i am a little confused, as it is mentioned in the Synth and Software article. Perhaps there will be clarification on this after the NAMM announcement. The ProtoZOA is available to the public in Q4 2022, and to members of the MIDI Association and the AMEI now.

This is pretty cool, to do this in 19K — 521 lines — of JavaScript. Fairly readable, this software tool would be pretty easy to use, with some persistence.

Just press the green “Compile & Play” button on lower right to listen. All the code for this is there.


Recommendations for someone looking into learning programming aiming visuals for performance and installations…shall I go for Processing or JavaScript? Is it that different? Is Processing already replaced completely by JavaScript? Is it the same? Thanks :slight_smile:

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You might want to clarify what you mean by ‘Processing’ … is that in some course title you’ve seen ? Could mean many things.

He means


OK, my bad. (That’s a pretty poor name though isn’t it ? Easily misunderstood)

Not the best name :slight_smile:

I only have little experience with Processing. Processing is also implemented for javascript, so you could try both.

It’s fun to play and experiment with. I have not tried to connect it with sound or midi thougg.

I wonder if Max would be preferable in this case? I’ve never used Max for visuals but the visual nature of it’s syntax may be easier to get started with.

I know Python and JavaScript, and prefer Processing with Python myself. It would probably be a bit easier to learn.

One thing to consider as well is if/how the Audio app and the Video app should communicate together.
I have very little experience with Processing, but handling, for instance, an OSC stream, might be a pain.
On the other side, Max/MSP/Jitter is super easy to set up in this regard. And in case you’re using Ableton as a DAW, that’s even much much more flexible.

What sort of visuals are you… envisioning? Generative 2D? 3D animation? Or something using existing images?

Down the Audulus 4 rabbit hole, which relies on Lua and have no experience coding . . . is this (Lua) a good place to start?

Lua’s a great place to start for that type of application. It has shortcomings, but it’s nothing that will stick out for you if you’re new to coding.

don´t go for processing any more. if you are absolutely new to the game check out p5.js …it is almost the same but in javascript. If you want more speed and like it a little more complex go for openFrameworks. You are writing C++ code but it´s kinda lika processing in a way :wink: just a little bit more complex. lots of add ons and a nice community.

for p5.js check out daniel shiffman on youtube. he is great on get newbies going.

if you are on a pc and just want to make visuals check out vvvv beta or the new vvvv stuff. It´s a visual programming language like max but more focused on creating visual stuff. It´s pretty powerful and not hard to learn.


Curious, why do you say that? I haven’t touched it or done any creative programming in a few years probably, but at the time I was doing generative digital paintings and didn’t need anything particularly complex.

You can of course, it is no less good than it ever was. I come from a creative coding background professionelly and its just the community is shrinking. If you want to go visual art and get your stuff out to the public p5.js is web native and far better for that case. You can build simple interactive stuff in a second and have it online even as fast.

For advanced stuff processing in most cases is not the right choice because its just not fast enough, so if you really want to do something maybe with shaders you go openFrameworks or elsewhere. Shure you can build Stuff also in Processing but it‘s not ment to be that complex and pretty fast you are in native Java.