
Happy to help and good luck, keep us posted!

By the way, you might like to check out The Audio Programmer Discord group, I guess you can sign up here: or if you DM me, I can probably invite you somehow. It’s a very welcoming group for everyone from beginners to pros to discuss all areas of audio programming, set up by one of the guys who helps organise the Audio Developer Conference.


Cheers! I actually joined a while ago but I’ve not been very active. I should check Discord more - I’ve joined so many interesting groups on there but never really stuck with it.

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Same here. I sometimes check in but rarely remember about it, I use Slack for work and various other groups so adding a second chat thing to the mix is just too much lol.

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Yup, same deal here. I’m way too deep into Slack to remember to check Discord lol.

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Yes, there are lots of old, bad ways to do things (and lots of bad teachers).

C++ Core Guidelines tries to steer people towards the modern, recommended ways to use C++.


Well, by experience, I am, so that’s where my words of cautions come from, haha.

I’m on that one too but I’m in the same position as you both are :sweat_smile:

Oh I didn’t know about that, thanks for the info !


Been enjoying reading the discourse here, looks like it’s a good meeting place for intermediates figuring stuff out - as someone mentioned finding material that isn’t aimed at absolute beginners or serious pros can be pretty difficult!

Thought i’d give a heads up on this:

Faust physical modeling workshop
Feb. 1, 2021, 3-9pm GMT+1

3pm-4pm: Creating Circuit-Bendable Wave-Digital Models of Analog Audio Circuits in Faust
4pm-5pm: An Introduction to Mass-Interaction Modelling in Faust
7pm-8pm: Introduction to the Faust Physical Modeling Toolkit
8pm-9pm: Overview of Physical Modeling Formulations and Faust Implementations

Looks like fun, I completely expect a lot of it to go way over my head, but i’m gonna show up and check it out anyhow. Having a gander at these demos pretty much made up my mind


You level up by taking things from where you are. Everybody has got to be someplace, and it’s all OK. The important thing beyond persistence, is sometimes being able to pull back and see the “forest”, seeing where you want to be beyond the next three steps.

Thank you for the pointer to Faust.

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I’m still in the early phase of my journey in C# and Unity, but I realised I enjoyed coding more than I expected. There’s still lots I need to learn, but this feels really good, I didn’t know I would enjoy this process so much…


After a 25y break I also started coding again a bit, just setting up with some tooling, a few books and playing around with some demo’s from GitHub.
Using Clojure here!

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Did you use Lisp before, or is this a fresh start ?

Fresh start! Totally new to functional programming here, I was more the spaghetti type 🥸


Hi all :slight_smile:

The algorithm recommended this blog article to me and I figured this would be a great place to share. Good background on synthesis and well as some python concepts:


i was not sure where to post this, so let’s post here.
stopping many of my regular activities makes room for other activities.
my 1st useful piece of python code. i mean, not just a tutorial exercise, but something i’ll use daily — DAW-agnostic finger drumming layout.
by my own tradition, i made this before real language syntax learning :tongue:


I see that there is a prototyping development system for MIDI 2.0 systems, along with the A2B which provides for thirty-two digital audio channel connections. The prototyping system is called ProtoZOA. ( One of those cutesy industry sort of names. )


I posted about the use of A2B for MIDI 2.0 in the MIDI 2.0 thread.

ADDED : Looking at the AmeNote ProtoZOA web page, i’m not seeing specific mention about A2B. So i am a little confused, as it is mentioned in the Synth and Software article. Perhaps there will be clarification on this after the NAMM announcement. The ProtoZOA is available to the public in Q4 2022, and to members of the MIDI Association and the AMEI now.

This is pretty cool, to do this in 19K — 521 lines — of JavaScript. Fairly readable, this software tool would be pretty easy to use, with some persistence.

Just press the green “Compile & Play” button on lower right to listen. All the code for this is there.


Recommendations for someone looking into learning programming aiming visuals for performance and installations…shall I go for Processing or JavaScript? Is it that different? Is Processing already replaced completely by JavaScript? Is it the same? Thanks :slight_smile:

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You might want to clarify what you mean by ‘Processing’ … is that in some course title you’ve seen ? Could mean many things.

He means


OK, my bad. (That’s a pretty poor name though isn’t it ? Easily misunderstood)