CLOCKstep:MULTI – Synchronization Hub

Could this be a cheaper alternative to ERM multi clock?


Have a look at the Midronome as well…

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Someone postet, that midironome, was not compensating latency correctly for him, did not read other posts about it - do you have more information?

Looks great. I’m a bit hesitant to be an early adopter for clock stuff but if it does what it says for that price, then I will definitely get one at some point

Best source for information on the Midronome is their forum, which is accessible via their website. Simon, the Midronome developer, is very reactive.

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Thanks for helping spread the word! There are a couple new videos now showing more details. Here’s just the latest on Transport Modes. Look for the other run downs on the channel for Click Audio and Tempo management. Thanks!

I want to share this video video here because it shows CLOCKstep:MULTI actually using the E-RM Multiclock plugin to sync from a DAW*. Since that was specifically mentioned in the OP. At least it’s definitely 1 way that it’s an alternative.

(*) I discovered just recently that the E-RM multiclock plugin is Open Source. I thought perhaps I’d recompile it for myself, but that didn’t sit well with me. Credit where credit is due. I demo it in the video and I mention it by name. I think it also shows how straight-forward and non-proprietary the two systems are when it comes to receiving audio clock, which really doesn’t need to get complicated.

bought one of these and i’m very happy with it. Little it can’t do & it works like a charm. Also the owner replies very quickly and helps out beyond standard customer service, was the quickest, best and most detailed customer service I’ve every experienced :slight_smile: 50/10 for me.

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FYI, I’m releasing a beta firmware for CLOCKstep:MULTI today that allows you to convert up to 3 of the Transport CV Outs into CV Sync Outs. That’s the potential for 5 CV Sync Outs total, each with their own adjustable Sync Rate stored into a Preset. Beta links will be found only in our Discord support channel. Cheers! Support & Community – JMK Music Pedals

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I have a clockstep now here, i corrected the offset in Abelton with driver error setting, i recorded over 200 bars, and it was sample accurate over the whole recording.

It would have been nice, to inform your customers, that import taxes still have to be dealt with, also a 9V EU power plug would have been welcome.

Overall its a pretty solid solution, and well documented, the case and knobs are pretty. Even with mentoned drawbacks, i am really happy with it.


Thanks for the feedback! I’m really glad to hear how it is working out for you so far.

As things advance, my desire is to be in a position to keep a largish inventory of different adapters and present the buyer with that choice (including no adapter at all).

And sorry about the taxes thing. I really did think it would be known that if you don’t see taxes reflected in the sale price, then they could be levied at the point of entry and are the buyer’s responsibility. I’m definitely going to take your comment seriously and see how best to add that disclaimer to both the website and emailed purchase notification.

Thanks again for sharing.

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Yeah, i think i should have expected that, but i was spoiled with kickstarters, who managed somehow to cope with that, i dont understand how that works, they billed about 74€ import tax, i think that is hefty for a 220€ purchase.

Sure that is not your fault, and more a customs problem, where i dont think its fair from my goverment to generate revenue like this on sme, while leaving Amazon untouched, at least it feels that way.

But i think you did send the pedal quicky., communication is also fine for me, no biggie, great expierience overall.

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I’ll probably have to get into it more at some point, for now I rely on filling out the customs forms accurately and then the process moves forward without my involvement. I know a business can register to collect and/or pay the taxes directly, but that takes a whole different level of integration. IDK what Kickstarter does, maybe they have that loophole in that you aren’t actually purchasing a product, you are “investing”. So then maybe the product is more of a “gift” or “sample” or something. If somebody knows, would love to hear about that.

Just an update, I have added a notice on the site regarding the responsibility of those import taxes and I also made an option to remove the power adapter. My next step will be to research the various power adapters and secure a small amount of them to offer as an alternative.


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Greetings once again,

There’s a new firmware release for this that adds some major features.


Latency Compensation

Allows for positive and negative offset while an external clock source is being used. This feature helps mitigate timing issues that may arise using a DAW and an external sequencer. By setting a negative offset, the external sequencer receives an adjustment for clock and transport commands that enable it to match the playback of other tracks within the DAW. See the new chapter titled: Latency Compensation.

MIDI Quantize

An addition to the MIDI Command implementation, MIDI Quantize adds the ability to capture a MIDI Message as it comes in and send it at the top of the next Bar. Up to 32 MIDI Messages can be quantized at once. See the new chapter titled: MIDI Quantize

MIDI Repeat

An addition to the MIDI Command implementation, MIDI Repeat adds the ability to capture a MIDI Message as it comes in and repeatedly resend it after a given number of Bars have elapsed. Up to 4 MIDI Messages can be repeated. See the new chapter titled: MIDI Repeat.

"External" Transport Mode

This new Transport Mode is intended as a convenience for use when external clock is being received. It will automatically send the transport Start command upon detection of clock pulses. The chapter titled Transport and Clock has been updated.

Other Changes:

Global Settings

When navigating to the Global Settings by holding the Preset button, you can make on the fly adjustments of Global Settings while continuing to run your project. In prior builds, the clock and metronome functions would stop if Global Settings were viewed.

MIDI IN and MIDI THRU Adjustment

In prior builds, MIDI THRU would only function if MIDI IN was enabled. That’s no longer the case. MIDI IN and MIDI THRU have discrete behaviors that no longer impact each other.

  • MIDI IN: When enabled, CLOCKstep:MULTI will respond to remote MIDI Commands targeting it’s own MIDI Channel.
  • MIDI THRU: When enabled, CLOCKstep:MULTI will send all MIDI Messages THRU.

Bug Fixes:

The Audio Calibration indicators were not functioning correctly since the release of 1.0.0052.

Presets could not be saved without a Time Signature setting.

USB MIDI THRU was not functioning correctly.


I just realised that you’re the creator haha Lets not derail the other topic and continue here with the discussion.

I have the feeling that I’d not be able to memorise how global configuration is done. It’s pretty much inaccessible without reading the manual. There’s not even a obvious way to simply see and set the exact BPM. Heck it’s not even obvious how to enter this settings menu. I’d be ok to consult the manual for some advanced features which I almost never use. But this is going too far. If a product makes me read the manual for simple things I’ll sell it. I already spend enough time researching stuff on my day job :wink:

Some other things I noticed:

  • Micro USB is rather outdated. I’d have to search for such cable for a long time because all the other devices I own use USB C or USB B.
  • There seems to be no MIDI feedback and device state dump for remote control. This makes it impossible to build a proper external control surface.
  • The firmware versioning is a bit off. The jump from 1.0.0052 to 1.0.0058 contains major new features. This is 1.1.0 material for sure. (I’d recommend a loot into semantic versioning if you’re not familiar with it)

Hey, sorry you feel that way; no product is for everyone. I thank you for your feedback and will try to respond in such a way that doesn’t make me seem too defensive … but you are making it tough. :wink:

Personally, I think your overstated the case by calling it “research” in order to use. There are some things needed to learn about usage, there’s no denying that, but once learned are simple to remember. Such as reading or setting the BPM’s exact value. There are things, particularly configuration, that will require a quick glance at a chapter in the manual (as is the same with many, many other products.).

A Micro USB cable to USB Type A is included, so you won’t have to look far upon receiving the product. :wink: However, I do know Micro USB is not favored and I’ve heard it already; I already have a replacement worked out for when the time comes to do a hardware revision (not in the near future, but someday). There’s always some room for improvement.

The MIDI interface is input only, this is true. Far from impossible though, external control is VERY possible and done by customers today, including at least one big international touring act who has as high demands for the MIDI interface as anyone I’ve ever encountered.

But if you are going to hold this to such a level of integration with a control surface that absolutely requires MIDI controller feedback, that’s your call. I can only say that I’ve never received such a request. The fact that it’s a clock product whose features are accessible via an extensive MIDI API for remote control, that I do hear all the time. In any event, your comment is noted. Now I know there is at least one person who would want to have the MIDI API grow to include feedback. Maybe that’s something that’ll be in the cards in the future when a few other highly requested features are released. I don’t believe it would be more than a very niche feature within an already niche product, but you’ve given me something to think about anyway.

Versioning: You’re getting a bit nit-picky, aren’t you? I could have incremented the minor version number if I had wanted to, sure. I’ve definitely worked hard this year to include some pretty big features, but in terms of whether I’ve incremented the minor version number, no one seemed to care. I think they probably cared much more to receive new requested features and to know that I didn’t break backward compatibility. You know, maybe in the next update I will increase the minor version, because there is another big new feature on the way.

I’m saddened it doesn’t look like we’ll do business, but maybe some day. Cheers.


Demo Time for the new Metronome Swing Feature:

Greetings again,

Version 1.1.0067 is now available:

The major new features for this one is an expansion of the available Sync Rates for each Analog Sync Output. There are now 44 Sync Rates you can choose!

While the original 14 Sync Rates that were available centered on standard musical intervals with a shared downbeat, most of the new Sync Rates break that convention. If you want cycles of clock that spin off on their own, then let chaos reign!​