Click when live recording on MD?

Hi all,

apologies if this is a stupid question, but since I mostly use my MD in step mode, I wanted to record a live beat this morning and found myself wondering… where is the recording click???

I searched briefly in the manual but couldn’t find it… doh!
Where is that setup/activated?


No such thing, you’ll have to use a track to make one.

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Ha ok, so you create a click track in step mode first and then record live over it?
Quite surprising for a drum machine that it doesn’t have a click!


It does have 16 tracks though : :star_struck:

In a way yes but it’s also very quick to cook your own in any flavor you like. And you can route it to a separate output to feed a live drummer for example. So all in all with 16 tracks and 6 outputs available I don’t see it as any kind of shortcoming.

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It also has a step sequencer and no micro-timing so it might not be that extremely relevant