Clearing Sample Lock Pool

I’ve been messing around on a project for a while and and I’ve filled up the sample lock pool while experimenting with different sounds, so as it stands, I can’t add any more sample locks unless I use samples that are already in the pool.

“Clear track sound” doesn’t do the trick, and even clearing the pattern sounds via the Pattern -> Sound menu doesn’t delete the sample lock pool.

This is the only vaguely relevant thing in the manual, and obviously only applies to removing a sample lock from a TRIG, not from the pool:

Removing a sample lock:

  1. Press [RECORD] to enter GRID RECORDING mode.
  2. Press and hold a [TRIG] key that contains a sample lock (the [WAVE] key lights up), and then press [WAVE]. You now see the locked sample highlighted on the screen.
  3. Press LEVEL/DATA to remove the sample lock.

Am I missing something?


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Hi, i am new here and i searched for the same Question.
I tried whats described in the manual at the chapter 12.5.1 “Unloading a sample from the RAM folder”

Works also for the “Sample Locks” folder
:grin: yeah!


Dear Sir, you are a hero, thank you.

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Ugh … just took me an hours experimentation to figure that out. I should have looked harder.

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3 years later. I’d love to hear it. :slight_smile:

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