Circuitghost - new EP - Vidare

Hey all,

I’ve released a little EP made only with Teenage Engineering kits and some Chase Bliss gear. It’s the result of several demo sessions with the TP-7 recorder, where the best parts ended up in the OP-1 and then became songs that I mixed and mastered on the TX-6 with the TP-7 as a multi-track recorder.

I suppose I could elaborate more on this, but sometimes there’s not much to say, other than the fact that there’s more piano on this than previous stuff I’ve made and I kind of like that.
I was first and foremost a pianist before I was any other kind of musician, after all, and I’m feeling the pull again. Most, if not all, of the piano sections were recorded directly into the TP-7 microphone, not line inputs, to get that room ambience and domestic background vibe to it.

Anyway -


The little textural details really make for quite enjoyable listening, pleasant surprise hearing the rhythmic elements make an appearance. I’d be interested in hearing more about the process of creation at a later time, thanks again for sharing your work :slight_smile:


Thanks :slight_smile: I’d love to share but it’s not much to say, really. I recorded some stuff into the TP-7 and the parts I liked the most, I kept working on in the OP-1 Field. Once the songs were done in the OP-1, I recorded them back onto the TP-7 for mixing through the TX-6, sometimes using the extra tracks on the TP-7 for additional texture and a live synth or so.

And that’s it, really. I wish I could make it sound more complex, but apart from Chase Bliss gear, this was just a OP-1, TX-6 and TP-7 kind of thing.


This is lovely. Thoroughly enjoyed it sitting on my comfy chair with the lights down.

Defo going back for another listen


The sound is quite complex, please don’t sell yourself short. Had the same feeling of watching a nice film where it seemed as if it was over before it began, left wishing there were another 5 minutes of dialogue or after-story. I’m usually quick to get out of my seat after a film or listening to an album, however I just looped back to the beginning so I guess I’m to watch the movie again this time :smiley:

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Thank you, sounds like a great chair :slight_smile: I appreciate you taking the time.

And yes you’re right @shigginpit I’m not devaluing my own stuff, it’s just when not a whole lot of kits are used to write something, it’s difficult to talk about the process because there isn’t much of one, except for the sitting down and just writing, I suppose. But the demo sessions onto the TP-7 played a critical part, as was the song writing in the OP-1 where it actually took shape into something more comprehensive. I would hope that TE releases some kind of streaming between the two, that would’ve made this so much easier.


I’ll just bump myself up here, seeing as it’s bandcamp Friday and all :smirk:

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Just listened to this on the train to Budapest while watching a park full of wind turbines evolve into diverse landscape. Fit the mood perfectly!


Finally had a thorough listen. Loving all of it!

Did you manage to incorporate the OP-Z into any of the songs?

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That’s a lovely image you’re sharing. Thank you for listening and for your vivid picture.

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Thank you so much for saying :slight_smile:

Yes, there’s some OP-Z especially in the drum-ier sections, but not nearly as much as I’d want to. I think the Z is such a beast on its own when you start to work it, I’m going to explore what happens if I use that as my primary kit and not the OP-1.

But not today :slight_smile:


Interesting! Looking forward to hearing your ventures!

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As always, beautiful work. Really enjoying the ethereal atmosphere of this one :clap:t2:

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Really beautiful @circuitghost album. It definitely transports me to a rather heavenly place layered with nostalgia. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you so much @jiffybox and @echo_opera for saying, I appreciate you listening and sharing. Thank you :pray:

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Sorry i wasn’t able to pick up the album on Friday but i did grab it this morning.

Perfect album for a cloudy cool NorCal day over here.

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Thank you so much :slight_smile:

If you’re that fella who bought something about an hour ago, next beer is def on me :pray:

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That may have been me. Sounds about like the right timing.

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:sunglasses: Picked this up, & really into it. Love the space and approach. Feels effortless, and considered, and not try hard. Less is more IMO. I’m off to Iceland on a job next week and going to listen to this on my descent :grinning:

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