I created some sample chains with an old Juno 6 sample pack (mutli samples so every key is sampled). In Chromatic mode I cant seem to play past an Octave or so. I hit function and arrow but it only extends by a few keys. Is there a way to access all 63 hits on the Octa itself? I checked the manual but only says function and arrow…
The chromatic mode p-locks the ‘pitch’ parameter, which goes from 0 to +12 or -12 semitones!
So the answer is no, you only have one octave up and down to play with.
Workarounds are using rate (in pitch mode) to pitch a sample down, or transpose/resample your chains!
Yeah thats what i ended up doing. Well, good to know, thanks for that.
Another way to circumvent this is to create a sample chain where each slice is a sample for a different octave. Then the slice parameter becomes your octave control.
This gets awkward if you want to change octaves, though, because the slice (octave) won’t be locked when you record your chromatic trigs. You have to go in and lock slice manually for each trig when you want to change octaves (unless you want to switch octaves of the existing trigs too).
Is there a technical reason why chromatic play has such a limited range?
Any hope they can change this in an OS update?
Just concentrate on what OT can do, where other gear can’t do.
It is not an Mpc, which have some limits too.
Depends on your needs. Not a regular sampler for sure. Personally after some Mpcs I just kept OT, then I bought an Mpc 500, just in case if I’d need a 2 octave up !
I don’t use it for the moment.
Mpcs sequencers are boring to edit, but they respect what you’re playing, as linear sequencers …Midi Overdub is great, polyphony, linear sequencer…
A lot of possible random variations with OT.
I’d like 2 octave up too, but usually, an octave up it ok. Some tricks for 2 octaves up, octaves down quite easy.
OT playing MPC 500, 1 bar. The opposite would be boring too, but more I guess.
1 octave up already sounds awful on the OT, so there’s no reason to let it go any higher
You have 63 sampled notes? Are they 1 per note (C3, C#3, D3… etc?)
If so make a sample chain of all the notes and then play them as slices with the trig keys in the Slices Trig Mode.
Access Trig Mode via [FUNCTION] + [UP] or [DOWN].
Unfortunately you can’t play Slices via Midi.
You can.
Well that’s a lot of extra leg work, but at least that’s a good work around.
Thanks for the link!
You just loop a waveform and envelope a filter like you can on any DAW sampler like Ableton’s Simpler. It’s what I do all the time on the digitakt.
All I can say is that it’s rreally weird learning the OT after being familiar with the digitakt. It’s both more capable and more frustrating,
As mentioned, you can use rate for more octaves down (-6 max), slices, and there’s also LEN if you use a single cycle waveform.
LEN=64 > + 1 octave
LEN=32 > + 2 octave
The limit is when you reach 64 samples, which is minimum length for sample length / trim.
With a midi processor you can reach 10 octaves with Rate / Len CC mapping, or 64 notes with slices.
Ok you can-with some workarounds… but you know what I mean
I did not know this (that you can only play a sample along 2 octaves). But I agree, its cool that there are workarounds, but I agree its probably just best to accept that samples on an octatrack are not supposed to be played like a ‘synth’, but are supposed to be ‘mangled’ and playes with. For melodic synth like playing they probably want you to get an analog four