Chorus pedal recomendation/query

Thanks for quick Response.

I think your other recordings comparing the more traditional boss chorus with the Dimension showed enough. And those were very helpful. Thx.

I just like what chorus is doing to my rev2 in terms of thickening but dont really care too much for the warble. And im hearing that a good chorus does AMAZING stuff to synths. And im reading that the dimension gives the “dimension” without the warble:).

So i am just digging deeper from a cork sniffing perspective of whether a dedicated/higher quality/analog chorus will be really noticeable or only a little noticeable? Like the $2000 analog synth gets me 90% there and the 5-10k synth gets the rest of the 10%…im not at this moment desiring the small improvement…i mean i do have onboard choruses on the OT and rev2:)…

The DC-2w is known as the chorus for people who don’t like chorus. That’s why it’s been on my list for a while!


So, is your Rev.2 chorus warbling too much? Even after tweaking the rate and depth?
I don’t particularly like the Rev.2 FX either, but the chorus doesn’t warble on mine if I don’t want it to.
Of course you can always copy layer A to B and put an LFO on B’s OSC pitch, and if you still want more stereo then widen B’s pan spread.

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Yeah good thoughts. i can knock down the warble in both rev2 and OT chorus fx but reviews of this boss dc-2w seem to suggest its amazing at giving all the thickening and none of the warble:). So im fishin!

And good points that there’s definitely experimentation to do with both layers and 4 osc+sub (whoa), but that gives a different flavor. Im specifically looking for a thick single osc sound and that seems different than what additional oscillators do. But ultimately really…truly splitting atoms here because a rev2, through a heat, into an ssl six is a pretty fortunate signal chain already hehe…

I will specifically try this later tonight.

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Found a video comparing some choruses ON A REV2:).

Nothing too exciting for me. I think i do essentially have the sound im looking for in the single oscillator and i actually like it with no chorus, no B layer etc, as much or more.

I had previously copied A to B on rev2, barely changed shape of B ocs1, super small filter difference, env amt and it sounds good and bigger but also at the expense of something…

lfo on b osc is cool too. A nice subtle chorus:).

Heres vid

That video doesn’t really show the strengths of the DC-2w as it’s left in stock mode (ie the Dimension C pedal mode) the whole time rather than SDD mode (studio Dimension D mode), and only switched between the first four settings (there are another six settings obtained by pressing pairs of the buttons down together). SDD mode sounds a lot better.

However, I think from what you’ve said it might not be the effect you’re looking for - I tend to use it for widening pads, arps and leads more than thickening a mono bass sound.

One thing I find myself doing a lot is sticking to the in built choruses on the DN and Peak, just because you can control the mix level. These pedals are generally all or nothing so you need them on a send (or re-amping the dry signal) to achieve a more subtle effect.

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Great point! Thx for that. I definitely always like a mix knob on pedals…

Has anyone here tried Strymon Ola or Mobius with synthesizers?

I was just about to suggest it. I used to hook it up directly to Moog Sirin and it instantly made it sound x200 better. It’s a solid pedal that you can use pretty much on anything.

The Ola is a great sounding pedal. Never tried the Mobius (I have an Eventide Mod Factor) but I imagine the chorus algo is likely the same.

Didn’t see covered above (apologies if missed!) but the chorus pedal that has my eye is the Walrus Audio Julianna (as opposed to the Julia)

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I’m really interested in that one too. I briefly tested Julia and I really liked it.

Just discovered today that the Red Panda Particle has Chorus on it. It’s pretty great