Chords Poly Vs Mono Chords

Hi Folks,

Today I Need a differences between a Monophonic chords & Polychord.
To listen to this obviously.

For create Monophonic chords in A4 :

Major :
OSC 1 : TUNE : 0, SUB : 5TH
OSC 2 : TUNE : +4

Minor :
OSC 1 : TUNE : 0, SUB : 5TH
OSC 2 : TUNE : +3

What is the harmonic difference between the two ways?


With the single voice chords you have only that voice’s modulations, filter, amp etc. Also the chords are all block (each note is same length). The note volumes are at fixed relationships regardless of how you play, even if you sequence the osc volumes, the sub oscs are at fixed volumes compared to the main osc.

With a proper poly chord each note has it’s own modulations and will sound more “natural” if played /programmed correctly. Again, you can determine each note’s length and volume (not to mention pan).

That said, both are useful! :cheeky:

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What do you mean by harmonic ? If it sounds different ? Depends if you use exactly the same oscillators, and Use Track Sounds option in Poly settings.

Actually, the 5th is below, so for major chord :
Osc 1 Tune = + 7, Sub = 5th
Osc Tune = +4
The Sub becomes the root note.

My chart :

CHORD : Osc1 / (Sub1), 0sc2 / (Sub2)
min : +7 5th, +3 (ROOT / 5th, 3m)
maj : +7 5th, +4 (R / 5th, 3M)
min7 : +7 5th, +10 5th (R / 5th, 3m / 7)
maj7M : +7 5th, +11 5th (R / 5th, 3M / 7M)

Ma charte en français :

Accord : Osc1 / (Sub1), 0sc2 / (Sub2)
min : +7 5th, +3 (Fondementale / Quinte, Tierce mineure)
maj : +7 5th, +4 (F / Q, T Majeure)
min7 : +7 5th, +10 5th (F / Q, Tm / 7ème m)
maj7M : +7 5th, +11 5th (F / Q, TM / 7M
7 : +7 5th, + 10 (F / Q, 7m, il manque la tierce et après ça se corse…)


Those monochords are using 2 osc/ 2sub per “Note” on one voice.
Poly is 4 voices x 4 Osc max.

Thanks !!! and with monochord, is possible to make a diminished/augmented ?

Don’t think so, no 5th in those chords.
You have to use 2 notes poly at least.

Technically, what you are doing with your monosynth is not chords, but intervals.

A chord is typically at least 3 notes playing at the same time. You are only doing 2 at the same time.

But to answer your question, yes you can do a diminished/augmented interval with your monosynth.


With both sub osc on 5th you could do four


Yep, 4 notes, so it is chords for sure !


Ah, I forgot to check what forum this is - I don’t have an Analog Keys/4 myself. Carry on, gentlemen… :sunglasses:

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Also I would say as you dedicated your OSC to build chords (became one note chords, one finger chord)
you have less possibility to shape and find different and interesting Timbre (Tone)… as you can’t mixed up really to get interesting Timbre your 2 OSC and SUB and then playing Poly a real chords on keys. (I think playing poly or real chords on keyboard are the best to get more interesting timbre / tone when programming)
Maybe put a tool before your analog keys like Ableton SCALE or something is better

An interesting approach is the STAB soundpack from Plughugger :

Because you need to play two notes to get deep chords… as you need to play two notes on keys there’s room for shaping timbre and find more interesting timbre (Tone)…

Matter on Chords my favorite are 7th and 9th

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Another problem is the choice of waveforms.
I don’t really like pulse waveform, and subs are pulses.


Did some some of you a solution and tips to save 2 tracks chords ?
I’m asking myself if, for pianist or music theorist they are possibilities to organise chords (talking only about notes). In the Analog four, Maybe with Perf, or else ?

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KMaybe what you are looking is something i will partially cover in lowend 101 soundbank. (In the upcoming booklet)
You can setup more advanced timbre as well as the chords complexity by setting your a4 in unison on 2voices so you have 4osc + 4sub
And checked play TRK sounds checkbox in poly configuration.

2 x 2voices is to me the best compromise if your drums are covered by AR or OT

Like deep chords + simple bass +lead or texture
Like deep chords + another one more complex sound in the frequency register you need


The best i found is starter template issued from template scale… you load those and work on timbre. Then for harmony mode switching soundlocks is the way to go.

You can plocks your chords inversion then on the sequencer :wink:

Yes in fact, (je peux le faire en français sinon ce sera peut être plus simple)
I have to print some chords compenent on paper and customize then as a real pianist (or as if I knew all keys and chord scale)
A4 is a great way to learn :slight_smile:

Thank you for the soundbank !
(Did you added perf or kits ?)
I deleted all banks on my Analog four to create a lot from myself but I admit I see the name of your bank in my download folder :wink:

Hahaha thank Sir ! Nice timing and all for an happy NY !

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I would probably investigate further kits and perf in a LowEnd 202 :slight_smile:
Happy New Year @matB

TeKiNovah Favorites

5th = 0, 7
added 2nd = 0, 2, 4, 7
suspended 2nd = 0, 2, 7
7th sus 2nd = 0, 2, 7, 10
minor = 0, 3, 7
M7add13b5 = 0, 3, 7, 9, 14
m-7add9 = 0, 3, 7, 10, 14
min 7(11) = 0, 3, 7, 10, 17
min add11 = 0, 3, 7, 17
minor 7th = 0, 3, 7, 10
6th = 0, 4, 7, 9
major 7th = 0, 4, 7, 11
m-7b13 = 0, 4, 7, 11, 14
added 9th = 0, 4, 7, 14
suspended 4th = 0, 5, 7
7th sus 4th = 0, 5, 7, 10
M7b11 = 0, 8, 12, 15, 19
M7add13-ii (invert) = 0, 10, 14, 15, 19


Hello, I’m coming back re reading his thread… But so, then, when you use unison you cannot switch a single parameter (of the two tracks) with one knob ? You always have to copy and past tracks isn’t it ? As for parameter slides etc… ?
No ?
What about param slides, parameters knobing and poly/unison with two different sounds ?