Choir samples

i’m looking for oooooooohs and aaaaaaaaaahs etc. to be used with MDUW…
my experience with samplers is limited, but I would guess that most samplers (romplers?) do these sounds with a looping waveform of sorts? dunno…

i’ve looked at the singlecycle waves from adventure kid, there are samples based on human voice but they sound not like the cheesy choirs i’m looking for…

asking here because i don’t really know what to look for…
I want ooohs and aaaaaahhhs in my Machinedrum, and I want to be able to hold them open looong time, so they must have loop points…?

Yes, it is done with some sort of looping: how you make m depends a bit on your daw / wav-editor…

I know for sure, that the wav’s i create with renoise within its audio-editor supports loop-points… so i grab some sort of choir-recording and:

  • chop of a very small piece
  • tune that small piece into a C4-note
  • set the loop-points
  • trim off all unnecesary bits
  • put wav in c-6 software manager … tick the use looppoints thingie
  • transfer to my machinedrum

done (typed from memory… so might have slightly difrent names and things)

i am not sure… but i think audacity support loop-points as well…
i just dont have a clue how to set them. or tune a sample in an easy way.
but rest of steps should be the same…



cool thx…

got the technical ascpects covered, my own app does SDS sample transfer w/ looppoints…

wondering more about the sonic material, like maybe there are some samples scraped from I dunno, 90s romplers?

because I find it’s hard to find audio which is more than one cycle, but that loops nicely in a way that you don’t hear it looping, if that makes sense…?

starting the google now.

talking about this sort of stuff:
[]( U-220/Audio/Factory Patches/20 Choir.mp3)

i mean, i figure these samples have some modulations in them like vibrato or some beating, but the modulation happens at a speed where it’s synced to the loop length, I GUESS…


Fair enough… mistranslation on my part… figured u wanted some in your machinedrum. as in a technical question…

eh, in my rompler-esque assortment i got a djx which have about 4 choir-patches. and an mc909 (has a rom-part) has about 10 of them…

I usually buy a computer-music magazine… is nice toilet-read and those plugins and samples keep me entertained enough… 2 issues ago it came with choir-samples… but hmm dont have a link to those…

about the loops that dont click / have weird repeat noises…

no clue how to do it in other daws… but renoise got a tool for that. its called “crossmixing”
maybe its findable in other audio-editors… it basicly copy and paste a few sections on top of eachother… that in combi with finding zero-crossing looppoints… usually is my big friend.
Keep in mind… if you do this type’s of tricks… allot of the envelope of a sound dissapears…
but thats a good thing… u end up with a looping waveform in tune… and you can apply new enveloppe with your synth / daw.

never really had a hardware sampler that came with a nice function for this type-o-looping…
it worked of it didnt… computers are more easy in this way … (compared to the hardware samplers i own/owned)

What about some mellotron or chamberlain choir samples? Not that hard to find online I think. Though you´d have to make the effort to loop them… (7-8 secs long)
Samples from the Birotron would perhaps be even better suited, but I don´t know how easily found they are.

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See my post in this thread:

= (

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I know this may be more of a project than you’re hoping to make out of this, but…

Go to any second-hand store or used music store, and you will find an old ENIGMA cd. Choir samples for days!!!

Take it back to your lab, make a few samples, dump them into your MD and see how they sound (before making tons of samples and wasting time if they don’t work out).

Maybe using a DAW to make a ramped Attack on the samples will help eliminate clicks and pops…? Never tried myself. Just a idea.

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Look at the Fairlight app for the iPhone and iPad. It’s got all those classic sounds with the ability to edit like the original. Just get the lite version and run the output from the device into your sampler. I’ve made some killer patches on my Emax and W-30 this way.

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Anyone have any more links for these types of samples? Quality Mellotron, Fairlight, etc. choir and formant sounds…

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No help but just like to double the ask as keen to get some myself. I sampled choirs from youtube which was fun but quality is a little rough.

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ya with the Digitakt it should be nice to loopy loop some samples like this…
e.g. something which has an attack and sustain phase…

let’s say a vocal that goes “blaaah”
you could start with the “bl” and then keep looping the “aaa”