Just looking to get “one more track” of sound out of my AK. I’m really trying to get full songs out of it and it feels like the CV is just sitting there, wasted.
Mutable Instruments Anushri.
Plus with the Anushri you get one of the coolest drum machines ever!
Thanks for the replies. I’ll probably be going that route then.
Microbrute also seems like it could be a good option.
I added a moog minitaur to my A4, it handles most of my bass lines and frees up an A4 track.
mono tribe! that synth is cheap as dirt and has drums.
nord drum?
also, it’d need filtering distortion, or some kind of processing, but you can use the CV at audio rates and run it back in/run it through something else. (it’s loud, watch out)
Braids is my plan.
I played with Braids at meme antennae. That piece sounds great! Not cheap though $400 bucks.
+1 get one used it sounds really different to the A4. 1/4 inch inputs and CV control over level/pitch/filter/gate
+1 get one used it sounds really different to the A4. 1/4 inch inputs and CV control over level/pitch/filter/gate [/quote]
The minitaur is a bass beast, it will shred your woofer, heh.
Btw, you can map the cv control to pretty much anything. It has the 4 cv inputs but what they control can be changed. Also, if you have an OT you can do crazy modulation with all the midi CC.
My minitaur mostly has a permanent home on one of my a4 inputs.
Hooked mine up to a MiniBrute yesterday, and then my modular. Works fine, except on the modular I had some tracking issues at first. Resolved this in one of the setup menus.
I ended up getting a MicroBrute and I am thoroughly impressed and happy by its use with the Analog Keys. It has a good character that gets those aggressive sharp sounds easier than AK so the AK can focus on where it shines: pads and basses. For leads the microbrute is sick, and with the AKs effects it really sounds amazing.
Thanks all for the suggestions
Plus with the Anushri you get one of the coolest drum machines ever![/quote]
This comment sold an anushri to me. Check out my review. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGMUOzPEuY0
^ excellent choice (and good video)
I have all the volcas and they are great for the price but for slightly more money and a little work you can do better…the anushri is an example of that…you run into a wall pretty quickly on the volcas
My setup is a bit different, but I am looking at either the Stylophone S2 or the Microbrute. The bass on the Stylophone is tremendous. It’s also extremely portable, which I am all about.
Plus with the Anushri you get one of the coolest drum machines ever![/quote]
This comment sold an anushri to me. Check out my review. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGMUOzPEuY0[/quote]
Happy to hear that! Have fun!
Good choice on the MicroBrute. My Minibrute loves the AK!
My AK is on order, so forgive me if this is a dumb question… I’ve looked about and watched reviews, but can’t work it out.
- Can the AK sequence another synth alongside it’s own 4 tracks, using the onboard sequencer? I know it has a CV sequencer track, but I have a Volca Bass which has MIDI input. I’ve also borrowed a friend’s monotribe, but that just has SYNC in. Or is there an easy way to convert the CV out into MIDI so something like the Volca can be sequenced?
Thanks in advance