ChatGPT: not here, please!

:rotating_light: :robot: :triangular_flag_on_post:
While I understand how fun it might seem at times, ChatGPT content raises lots of flags, and for a good reason, I believe: it does not make good posts, it’s pretty boring and not bringing much to the table.

I would like to ask everyone to avoid pasting ChatGPT content here, we are many to think it is highly inappropriate here, and damaging the discussions.

Thank you for your understanding.


:100: Couldn’t agree with this more! :pray:


full agree, these long blurb copy pastas are irritating, at least have the decency to hide them with a summary :slight_smile:

seeing these blurbs is like seeing someone google something and paste a screenshot of the results


It would have been hilarious if ChatGPT wrote this about itself. :rofl:


Probably, re-posting AI output here will eventually start re-enforcing the algorithms …

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i have moar than enough that stuff in FB.

…yup, the most obvious, not nailing any factual details while explaining along endlessly booooring all to a dead end was some chattybot response in the “what is techno” discussion…

everyone who’s too lazy to share their very own experience/take/opinion/point/knowledge of or about something, should better leave the whole discussion alone in first place…

we’re all smart enough to gooogle/prompt whatever we want…no need to school and feed others with nothing but such further more second hand copy of a copy wannabee smart attempts…


I thought it was 2023, not 1984 :grinning:


Yeah if I want to know what chatgpt thinks I can easily ask it myself. I scroll straight past any of those posts on here so fully welcome that rule


…sadly enough, todays world exists on the exact middleground of orwell’s and huxley’s take of a future dystopia that’s not science fiction any longer…

and i was still reading 1984 in school, learned the lesson, oh, that’s what we DON’T WANT, oops, let’s hope we never end up there, WHERE IT’S AT right now…

but still, i want my brain to midi interface and talk promptlike to my gear…hmmmpf…humans…still a long way 'til we’re finally grown ups…where’s the adult in the room, if u need one…


Lol did you get chatGPT to write that?


1000% agreed, absolutely zero interest in ever reading such garbage.


I’m sorry, but you’ll never really know, which I’m sure you’re aware. I take this as a ‘whelp.’ Good luck mods everywhere.


an infinite regurgitation of the past sounds like a total horrorshow for humanity.
we handed over too much too soon of a wild, sometimes banal, often misinformed and biased data library.

and looking at the way young people have normalised it so quickly, i fear maybe too late to turn back…

happy to keep this space llm free.


Who needs to think for themselves when we have ChatGPT?

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Oh. And from now on mods may nuke AI content on sight.
:gun: :sunglasses: :hocho:


Oh, that’s interesting to read. I actually use ChatGPT frequently to translate my texts since English isn’t my native language, and it works much better than Google Translate. Honestly, I don’t see why I shouldn’t be able to post this content directly via copy and paste.


Those are two very different duties. If you’re using it for translation, I don’t see a problem.


For someone like me who generally doesn’t pay much attention to and has never used something like chatgpt or any other AI service that I’m aware of, when I see things that look a little off, I’m always suspicious of whether or not it’s genuine.

Meaning, sometimes I suspect something is AI generated, (art, a photo, a text statement, etc) even when in reality it might not be. Sort of like “the volcano erupted, the gods are angry”, that’s how it makes me feel so I just try not to think about it because there’s generally no reason to be so distrusting as how this naturally makes me feel.

Normally, I would be embarrassed to admit this because it sounds like a person paranoid about things which they don’t have a true grasp of. In this case however, I will say it because to be honest, simply reading this thread and just the implication that it’s so widely used and already around us does nothing to ease my concerns.

People are correct in that it will reach a point where it’s so well implemented that you won’t know the difference, and what then? Just accept it? Maybe I’m just getting old, but it makes me uncomfortable.


I take the moderators request as a Turing test: whatever you post and whatever tools you use, make original contributions that add to the topic discussed. If you are bored and want to play tricks with chatGPT, there are plenty of social media algorithms that have a big appetite for this out there.

Edit: it would be useful to know what kinds of problems there have been already about this. I guess I was lucky with the topics I follow.