Chase Bliss effects pedals

Whatever it is, it’s in stereo and based on user feedback. Any guesses?

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Stereo Blooper plus new features is my first guess.


I’ve actually had a few conversations with Joel on this lately. If they were any indication, I know what this is.

And no I won’t tell :slightly_smiling_face:


Automatone Delay

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Ah, so a stereo Mood then?

I sure hope so.


If it was today I would say a Big Muff clone (chase blissafied of course)

Chase Muff?


Big bliss?


I am ready for Monomachine Mk3! With MD-like stereo sampling machines and 16 voices! Let’s fuckin gooooo


Deglitched - play any lofi, warmed, saturated, broken riff in and it comes out with pure traditional hifi tone and all the stutters settled


Ok. Mood Automatone then


I have a vague memory of a Ring Mod being requested by somebody, but maybe not users!?

“tomorrow at 9AM CDT”
is in Earth money, you know it will be interesting…

Being that they are 100% direct now, a stereo mood or blooper in the gen loss format with stereo io would be surprising as they currently have stock the mono versions of both of those pedals. Selling either of those in an mk2 version means they’d have to blow out their current stock. An automatone format delay kind of makes sense but I don’t think they preface the day before with the 3 month delay thing if its going to be $900 device.

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CXM1978 knob mod.

Gotta be half the price of that thing with sliders possessed by satanic hands.

I hope I’m wrong. Otherwise, I’ll have to sell something to afford this.

In the post prior to this on IG Joel talks about a new project spearheaded by this employee. Could be this…

Oh, that’s interesting:

“She is an electronic musician and DJ, and has had great adventures in that context”
well, then It’s likely geared a bit more towards us?

“The project has utilized her skills in an entirely different industry”
I guess this doesn’t refer to skills in the electronic music industry? Maybe something that has to do with visuals? Or some mechanical skill that hasn’t been present in CBA pedals yet?

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Exactly my thought. I think they’re amazingly well-positioned to go into some really interesting places. I can see them getting into euro at some point in a very elegant and unique way. Those CB dip switches on the front of a panel or on an expander would be awesome… I’d actually use them for once:)

Dark world is the only pedal that hasn’t been updated with the new logo. Maybe a hint?