Changing patterns

I am using Rytm and A4 dawless with my MPC Live and sometimes with Ableton. I like the stepsequencers of my Elektron boxes so i most likely would like to program sequences in Rytm/A4 and switch patterns with MPC or Ableton. With both approaches I always face the same problem that pattern switches comes one bar too late. Therefore I am limited to arrangement view in Ableton where I shift Elektron pattern changes one bar left. On my MPC Live I program sequences in MPC and can´t therefore make use of the Elektron sequencer features as p-locks, and so on.

I cant understand that Elektron isn´t able or willing to fix this problem which exists for some years… I was able to find some discussions about this topic but no real solution. Which approach do you use? With the upcoming/updates of overbridge. Is there a lag-free solution to switch pattern via overbridge?

Thanks for reading

A post was merged into an existing topic: New Analog Rytm, same old problem

You still need to develop those existing threads I’m afraid

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