Change patterns with Ableton

With the Machinedrum, I can assign MIDI notes to each pattern and use Ableton to switch between patterns via USB MIDI.

I’ve tried all the possible MIDI settings of the A4 to get it to listen to pattern changes using the piano roll in Ableton, to absolutely no effect.

I can control separate notes quite easily, but is there a way to assign MIDI notes to patterns in order to get the A4 to listen to pattern changes?

Im on the same boat here…

I tried on LIVE 9 but that should work on Live 8
Insert a midi track
Insert a midi clip (click right on the first scene)
In the clip view at the bottom, you got the Bank, Sub and PGM change in the notes window.

You just need to drag up or down on PGM to select the right pattern.
You can add a scene, add a midi clip and then put another PGM on the same track.

There is one problem with the A4, it does not change the pattern immediately even if you setup the program change to immediate on the A4. Sounds like a bug to me.

believe it or not, it really seems to be the case…