CEO job at elektron...decide whether Digitakt gets song mode

I really appreciate how the Elektron brand has consistently taken care of their long term customers. This speaks volumes and its one of a kind and has inspired other brands to follow suit. So it makes sense for users to be speculative and concerned about a SaaS offering and or a subscription model.

How did the SaaS model workout for NI with sounds .com? They wanted to put everything Komplete and Maschine under a subscription model. Where do you think the whole you must be on WIFI to use the Maschine standalone come from? Just saying they still maybe on that path.

Putting an already struggling music scene on a subscription model for music creation is just not sustainable IMHO. Its so uninspiring to see others still trying to do it. Perhaps to post some quarterly gains off some consumer music maker that will drop off making music in less than a year. Just does not makes sense for the serious music maker that has GAS every time they hear something new from elektron but is also struggling to get those Spotify streams up for pennies.

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Wrong. Itā€™s required for initial registering your device, but not for regular use.


Iā€™m on the cusp of buying two of the bigger Electron boxes, but this news really puts me off.

Why, if I may ask? Theyā€™ll be just as powerful no matter who the future CEO is. :slightly_smiling_face:


What newsā€¦? All this wild conjecture?


For me, itā€™s a gut feeling.

SasS doesnā€™t sound like a good move for a company rooted in making hardware instruments. It sounds like a panicked, bandwagon-y move that will spread them too thin. It sounds like they want to lock their customers into digital workflows, rather than making tools and instruments they love.

Iā€™m very tempted by a couple of the boxes. I will probably still get them, but Iā€™m suddenly much less confident about the choice.


You are buying synthesizers, not shares in the company. Relax, enjoy your synths and ignore the unfounded internet rumors. Nobody here actually knows why Elektron is hiring a CEO and why he/she needs SaaS background. This should not affect our knob-twiddeling endeavors in the foreseeable future.


If the boxes have everything you need, and youā€™re not expecting Elektron to fill functional holes via future firmware updates, then thereā€™s no reason not to buy.


This thread is genuinely hillarious.

OMG, Elektron is RUINING EVERYTHING by doing a load of stuff thatā€™s completely imaginary.

Iā€™m going to burn my Octatrack before they force me to put it on the cloud and I have to pay Ā£5.99 a month to use the crossfader.

The way some of you are going on itā€™s as if theyā€™ve made Miles Dyson their CEO and changed their name to Skynet.


Itā€™d be cool it if it were possible to add big new features to boxes as paid upgrade, like new machines to the model cycles for example. Iā€™d rather they worked on that model than making new boxes all the time.


interesting use of cool there :sketchy:


I agree though. Especially with ARM chip growing more & more powerful, it doesnā€™t make sense to have to pay 300 to 1000 bucks every time thereā€™s a small shift in paradigm.
Itā€™s not a sustainable business practice for manufacturers to add new features for free. Something that works for everyone would be cool though. Maybe the OP-1 would have a lower price now if they did that, and the price hike of the deluge points to the same conclusion. Continuous development is great but you still have to pay the developpers and generate enough money for R&D.

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Hehe. I mean, I love that they have a history of adding and adding to years old products. Itā€™s one of my favourite things about elektron. But I wouldnā€™t like them any less of they charged a reasonable fee for getting these new features.

This is on the proviso though, that this is purchases. I donā€™t do subscriptions or leasing.


You are right I misspoke. My point was the technology is already there if they want to switch to a subscription model.

Thatā€™s a survey.

Thanks, must be the norm for those that take a lot of surveys. I donā€™t do them but figured Iā€™d give Elektron my time as they def deserve it.


I really donā€™t like a survey, because 90% it push you in some kind of direction on what is not our experience. If it is something that interest me, I fill it in like the most negative thing and most of the time at the end of a survey they ask if I have others things to suggest. Then I write that these questions are pretty far out from user perspective.

Aside from surveys, my best interaction between me as user and the developer was on a masterclass weekend. There it was that the developer was writing down our observations about anything what is relevant.


There are certainly push polls, but usually these surveys are geared towards taking feedback on a particular path theyā€™re angling towards.


maybe iā€™m lacking CEO level imagination here but i donā€™t really see how Elektron could have subscriptions (based on their product line) other than for Overbridge

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