CC messages from DAW to MD?

Hey y´all,

i use BitWig, and am sequenciing my MD mk2 like i do with every synth, i enter notes and such, works best for me at the moment.

However, i have a small issue. I want to send midi CC to for example the pitch on the CP machine; this is cc #40, but it´s also 40 on all the other machines?!
I have an exampe image i found here:
There it kind of says, i think, that the midi base channel should be changed aswell, to be able to change machine. I dont know how to do that - i can, when i enter the midi lane parameters, seta midi channel and then select CC number, but that does not change anything.

How are you supposed to change the machines when the numbers are the same?
How do you do it?

I am sure it´s dead simple, as everything… But i must have forgotten how i did it, since i have done it before. Just a long time ago! :slight_smile:

Re-read pages 13-21 of the manual. The MD is based on patterns. The pattern remembers which kit it uses. A kit is a list of the machines that you have assigned to each of the 16 tracks.

Now read page 58 of the manual. The MIDI base channel can be set in the GLOBAL > CONTROL > BASE CHANNEL menu.

Now read Appendix B of the manual. The table titled “Ctrl-Change mappings” describes which MIDI CC message to use to control the machines on the various tracks. The MD responds to CC messages on four MIDI channels: the base channel and the three next higher channel numbers:

  • the first four tracks (1 to 4, also labelled BD, SD, HT, MT) respond to the MIDI base channel;
  • the next four tracks (5 to 8, labelled LT, CP, RS, CB) respond to MIDI base channel + 1;
  • tracks 9 to 12 respond to MIDI base channel + 2;
  • tracks 13 to 16 respond to MIDI base channel +3.

So, in general:

  • check the MIDI base channel,
  • check which track you want to control; use the channel number that controls that track,
  • check the machine parameter that you want to use; use the CC message that controls that parameter.

That is what is listed in the chart that you linked to in your post. There is no specific “CP” machine; “CP” is the label for track 6.

So whichever machine you have assigned to, for example, track 6, the first machine parameter will respond to MIDI CC 40 on the MIDI base channel + 1.


Super -thanks for the detailed explanation. :slight_smile:

I’ll print it out and frame it to remember!