Can't trigger bottom row of sounds


I am having a very weird problem, not sure if there is a hardware issue or if I’m missing some setting that may have changed or been corrupted.

The sounds BD thru CB, the top row in the sound selection, all play fine. The second row, from CH through M4, will not sound no matter what I do. It will not play locally from pressing trigs, playing patterns. WIll not sound via MIDI. The top row does all that just fine. Have tried numerous different kits that used to all be good. Looked at the output mapping, all to MAIN and triggers are individual midi notes, no overlaps.


Have you checked with FUNC+MUTE if they are muted? This happens to me all the time, even after 17, 18, or something years of living with one. I forget that the tracks are muted, I change the machine, try to play, wonder why it is not playing, then after a few minutes, I remember that before the change, I had muted the track. It happened to me yesterday…

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thank you SO MUCH! My MD has been out of the studio for over two years trying to get repaired, finally Elektron themselves came through! Thanks Chloe!! You rock.

Anyway, user error, the parts were muted. You forget a lot with it gone for so long. Thank you again so much, I was baffled since all the mutes were someone consecutive, like I swiped across the panel or something.