Can't overcome the latency of overbridge VSTs in Ableton

I’m trying to build a new live rig which for the first time should include Ableton.
I have a Fireface 800 as my I/0 and I use the DT and DN as Hardware.
Everything is working great as long as I midi trigger tracks from ableton when using the analog outputs of both devices.
But I had the idea it would be great to use overbridge to be able to sidechain or use effects on single tracks.
But as soon as I load either DT vst or DN i instantly get a big latency that makes it impossible to use any midi from ableton at all.
I put my Fireface buffer size to 48 samples (which is unrealistic ofc) but even then I’m having the latency.
There is no option or anything in the plugin so I’m wondering, is this something that can’t be fixed or is there something wrong with my setup?

You can adjust the OB plugin buffer size in the Overbridge Control Panel

I had an odd fix for this personally. I updated my MIDI interface and it fixed any latency that i came across. Maybe this isn’t the right fix for you , but update your drivers. Might also be the issue!

I tried that but only when I set the buffers to the lowest it works for me. Which is ok when I have a blank set but when I add effects things will start to crackle very fast

Hmm. That’s odd. I don’t experience any noticeable latency when selecting an OB device as the sound card - I just adjust the latency in Ableton’s Audio Preferences by minusing whatever it tells me the input latency is. Have you created an aggregate device of the Fireface and your OB devices? Only possible on Mac afaik. Also, I’ve found I don’t need to load the plug-in at all, but just select the incoming audio on whatever channel I have set up. It might help if you just want the individual tracks recorded digitally.

If you are using the elektron sequencer you have to adjust the midi clock delay in ableton preferences. The delay is diferent if using elektron sequencer( midi clock delay) or ableton as sequencer ( external instrument delay) diference can be around 20-30ms, depebding on your set up.

For example my hardware needs a 4-5 ms delay for external instrument and around 20 to 30ms delay for midi clock, depending on the hardware. My volca drum has the worst midi clock delay, around 25ms.

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It is recommended to match the buffer sizes between OB and your interface. I see people setting buffers of 64 samples on their interfaces for ridiculously low latency but honestly, I had an RME Babyface Pro and I couldn’t run more than a handful of modest tracks in Ableton before crackling started. This is in a highly optimized system. Anything under 15ms should be imperceptible and more than usable for a live session.

Also, be mindful of what plugins you use. Some add a decent amount of delay. If I use a limiter, specifically a Fabfilter Pro-L2, there is a big delay and for obvious reasons; these types of plugins need some type of lookahead to function properly.

I’ve only just started noodling with Overbridge using an A4 and DN but I’ve never experienced anything but smooth sailing. This is with a second gen. UR44 which I can tell you has nowhere near as good a driver as the RME you are using. I think my buffers are set to 256 for 14 ms of roundtrip latency.

I’m not using any of the Elektron devices as a soundcard, I only use my Fireface. The Digitakt and Digitone Audio comes from the Overbridge VST.

The problem doesn’t occur with the Elektron devices but with everything else. As soon as I load any overbridge VST into Ableton, every other Midi Trigger gets latency.

Have you tried disabling Ableton s delay compensation? Might help.

I have a somewhat similar question here:

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