Can't manually play Static Sample Slots with trigless lock involved

Not sure if this is normal behaviour or a bug, but it seems that a static sample slot linked to a static machine won’t play when there’s trigless lock set in the pattern

i recorded a video for for demonstration. first without a trigless lock - static machine plays.
then i create a trigless lock (sample trig + 2x no) - static machine won’t play

is this the normal behaviour of lock trigs & manually starting a track?

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so… i guess it is a (known?) bug. :slight_smile:

Not very demonstrative video audio wise. I can’t see the play icon on my smarphone.

Depends on your AMP settings.

These aren’t trigs but stickers. :wink:

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set trigless lock on step 1,
set static sample, quantized trig: pattern length, set pattern mastern length: 16
press play
while the sequencer is playing, hold track button and press play - the sample won‘t play

do the same as above but instead on step 1, set the trigless lock between step 2 and 16 - the sample plays.


0 attack
inf hold
0 release

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the sample plays by putting a trigless lock on step1 and step16 :thinking:

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Probably the culprit.
Can’t test atm.

Are there AMP plocks on your trigless ?

same result with inf release

no plocks, but tried with some plocks as well. same result…

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well, this happens only when synced to an external clock. after removing the tick on „clock receive“ in midi settings the same behaviour occurs - sample doesnt play :thinking::thinking::thinking:

So you mean it happens only you send clock to OT, even with Clock Receive Off ?

(A bit more complicated to test…)

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the sample plays when:
trigless trigs are set on step1 AND Step16 AND external clock is connected to OT AND OT syncs to it.

the sample does not play when:
i unplug midi in (external clock) from ot (or deactivate clock receive) AND/OR when trigless trig is set on step 1

So @marccc I think I can confirm the bug, a PLEN quantized sample (Flex or Static), isn’t triggered if there is a trigless on the first step (corresponding to PLEN timing).
Same occurs if Quantized timing corresponds to the step with a trigless (ex trigless on steps 1 5 9 13 with Quantize = 4/16).

A workaround is to use microtiming (+1/384). I think you mentioned it, can’t find it anymore…

Same with Trigless Locks.

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thank you! so i guess it would be good to send it to the elektron team? or will no more bug fixing be done for the OT?

Yes. But I really doubt it would be a priority. I think there are a few workarounds. Microtiming, maybe Plays Free tracks with 1ST trig condition, Neighbor track…

I guess you want to play a long file and modulate it with sequencer’s trigless in a smaller loop ?

I hope there will…