Can't get reverse to work sampling

I’m realtime sampling my TR-8 and crossfade transitioning between the recorded track and playback track. For some reason the playback trigs I put down don’t reverse. But when I place a trigless trig down, I can get the recorded loop to reverse. Odd.

Any help would be appreciated


Could be a number of things.

Have you tried increasing the STRT parameter for the ‘reverse’ sample trigs? Maybe there is some silent section at the end of the sample, (which would be being played first).

Thanks rikrak - unfortunately adjusting the start position doesn’t help.

It’s odd because watching the record trig and playback trig on the record page, it looks like the play head just disappears when it hits the reversed playback trig. It’s the weirdest thing.

Hmmm. Another thing that comes to mind is that usually, when realtime recording / triggering, the Playback trig needs to be ‘just behind’ the Recording trig…

In your case, I would imagine that the Playback trig would only sound if the Record buffer had completely finished recording.

Could it simply be that there is not enough time between the buffer being recorded to and played back from?

Reverse and realtime sampling doesnt mix well… though playing with rate and realtime sampling is awesome…
The trick is… to p-lock stuff that “already happend” … as said: the “playhead” should be behind the “recordinghead”

The easiest way for me, to get “reversed stuff” in … is just to have 2 recorders… 1 that records the whole loop… and one that records “small pieces” … the small pieces are easilly reversed. as long as they are completely finished sampling:

let me try to explain:

on trackrecorder 1… I record full bar, starting on trigger 1.
this one I use for the trickery and weird stuff… so i can playback variations of whatever i sampled… except things like “reverse” …
on trackrecorder 2. I record 1beat of half a beat samples… If I want 1 beat
I trigger the recorder on step 1… but I do the playback trigger on step 5 or higher.
Using sample-plocks I dictate which is playing.

so on track1 with a flexmachine. First I trigger recorder1 on step1. but on step 13 I plock recorder2 and have its rate to -64. voila… reversed sound that always works…

adjust this to the triggers where you really want to get the reversed version off… and bobs your uncle…

Enjoy your machine



I had this problem too.

Solved on one track recorder by making sure the track trig is placed forward of the recorder trig by exactly value specified in the recording set up RLEN. For example, if set RLEN to 8 place a recorder trig on step 1 then place the track trig to be on step 9 then reverse works fine.


Yep. With same principle, for constant reverse, you need a 2nd recorder. Plock recording 2 on the Flex track with recording 1. Alternate recorder trigs and recordings.


Excellent, and then cascade it further with delay, filters and other nonsense until you’ve made a Strymon Magneto.


Recorder 1 : rec trig step 1, RLEN = 8
Recorder 2 : rec trig step 9, RLEN = 8
Track 1 : Flex, Recording 1, trig on step 9, Recording 2 sample lock on step 1

You can add more trigs to refresh earlier reversed sound, alternating R1 and R2.

@mickeyziggyk With same technique, choose loop PIPO instead of Rate and add pitch +12.


I will definitely be trying this tomorrow, thank you.

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