I am looking for a drum-machine to create music similar to this:
And ideally perform live using it. Would the MD (or maybe AR?) be comfortable/able to do this?
My guess is that this set is using a Korg EMX or ESX based on the drum kick doubling that is really easily achievable using the Korg’s ribbon arpeggiator.
Are you looking for a one-device solution, or a specialized drum machine to be part of a setup with several synths/sequencers?
The MD can very well be used for such drum duties!
Those kick fills can be easily achieved with a second kick track. Track 1: main kick. Track 2: slightly high-pass filtered kick, much more trigs (maybe every 16th), normally muted, unmuted for fills. That’s the most straight-forward method, as I would do it. However, there are also much more weird/sophisticated methods available to achieve the same thing! RAM machines that resample the mains or just the kick and add highpass-filtered trigs, control machines and retrig, LFO’s etc etc. The MD is very simple and straight-forward at first sight, but deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep when having a closer look!
I’d recommend listening at the sound demos. Every sound that you can achieve with internal synthesis saves tedious sample loading time. On the other hand, though, sample management is not that much of an issue when you think about a clever workflow. Sometimes I relied 100% on samples on the MD, using several (about 8) sample banks a 3x16 samples (= 3 kits a 16 samples), which I cycled through while the sequencer was playing. I like this 12 bit crunch and somewhat oldschool, dirty lo-fi digital sound.
Regarding internal synthesis, you should have a look at those 808/909 kits programmed by Justin Valer. Siesta Submarina/Oobleck/Trond Christensen uses the MD all the time, he also shows how dirty the sound can get when treated by a Filterbank. Another name that comes to mind when talking about the MD and straight-forward techno drums is Highsage. The vids of Allerian show more special techniques (e.g., RAM sampling). Then there’s this "IDM in a box’ video that illustrates the scope of control machines and sold a lot of MD’s in the past. Last but not least, Dubathonic has been thinking about how to use the MD to program complete tracks (incl. melodies) for quite a long time (years).
Thanks for the detailed response! Can’t wait to get my hands on an MD already… Currently I only have a TB-3, so single machine setup…
I’ll look into the videos/names you recommended. I already saw the IDM in a box one a while ago, and some Filterbank videos. That thing is a beast, but I am not going to be able to afford one any time soon, unfortunately.
By the way - you mentioned having the second drum track muted by default. I had the impression MD does not store mutes per pattern? Or does it?
Why do you want to store mutes per pattern? It’s perfect how it works on the MD, but maybe I’m biased because I spent so much time with the MD and its design choices. When you would like to store a mute with a pattern, or kit to be precise, set the track volume to zero. You can use track volumes for mutes that are stored with a pattern and still have amp volumes for mixing. When you mute a track with a track mute, it will stay muted for sure no matter to which pattern you’re going to jump. Regarding RAM machines and CTR-AL you should better be sure that they will not accidently start playing just because you switched a pattern. I’d been using green and red stickers to mark tracks that should never be playing simultaneously (mostly RAM recorders and RAM playback machines when they both had trigs on the start of a bar).
I found that storing mutes (like in the ESX/EMX machines) is pretty comfortable, as its easy to quickly see which parts in a given pattern are used but currently “disabled”. With volume, to my understanding, I will need to go to each part separately and look at the volume setting to see if it is zeroed. This also makes it harder to bring 2 parts into the pattern at the same time.
Am I missing something?
Also there is a re-trigger function on the MD to provide a sort of drum roll. Just quickly punching up this setting when you need it can get that effect. It can be sloppy too so some planning is normally needed at least for me. I never thought of the drum roll track vs normal track idea and that actually solves some problems. I’ll need to try that out.
Everything I’m hearing in your link can be done easily with the MD, even some of the simpler synth sounds. If I didn’t have any drum machines and were to buy one today I think I would go with the RYTM but no matter what has been released I never regret buying my MD and would have a hard time parting with it.
If you are anything like me, you may find the kicks to be a bit weak. Read up on the filter and the single band EQ gain. It doesn’t take much to make it shake the room.
Will do, thanks for the tip!
As it happens, I just got my first noise complaint from the building manager… I guess the kicks are loud enough for my neighbors