Can’t figure it out :S seems like an obvious function, init?
It is omitted so that you are forced to buy a Machinedrum which has this feature.
This is a fact.
Can’t recall if it can be done with vanilla CC messages but I think you can with pimped CC messages, ie NRPN, might be in release notes with upgrade
withtearsineyes seriously?
Any idea how this would work in Ableton?
ableton doesn’t play nicely with sysex/nrpn and is restricted to 1 channel (so even if it supported nrpn you’d only be able to work on track 1) - so you’d need to explore all manner of workarounds over at the ableton forum !
it’s not unreasonable that they’ve prioritised sexy synth parameters ahead of track level when they dished out the limited available cc slots, remember there are way more synth parameters than those - but they’re all covered by an equivalent nrpn command
Seriously. Elektron is making it difficult for me to become a customer. I would have purchased the Analog Four if it had midi sequencing. And at the price tag, frankly it should. Dave Smith crammed four voices of beautiful polyphony into a Tetr4 and the price tag was 850. The extra 450 should pay for the internal sequencer and some external midi sequencing
well, there’s eight voices crammed into my p '08 and that cost more but it doesn’t sound a fraction as exciting to me and it’s nowhere near as versatile - there’s a market, and we pick and choose - but the sound and spec of the A4 are top drawer, especially for a boutique synth - see the good, not the bad
Each track’s AMP volume can be controlled via MIDI CC7. Wouldn’t this work for your needs?
Track level can be controlled via CC 95, this was introduced in OS 1.06.
cool - i should have switched it over to send cc instead of nrpn, the nrpn command was just added so i figured no cc, didn’t spot it in manual fwiw !
haha! that image is trying to run away when scrolled
ahahahah …faster than thoughts !
You’re right,sorry guys!
it’s weird, i use always the same method and zoom to snapshot something on my macbook, but sometimes (this Forum) happens this, the image get zooOOOooomed and you can’t look it all…bho?
so, both were there by 1.06, but neither gets a mention in the 1.1 manual - what else does it do that’s hard to find ?
Thanks guys! I managed to get it going like I wanted with CC95.
To those of you using Ableton, here is a tip: it seems that if you draw a straight line fade in, the messages that Ableton sends to the A4 are kind of “jittery” i.e. the track level would kind of increase in large increments. However, when you draw the line manually with a lot of breakpoints, the response is quite smooth. I suppose it will be some bug within ableton sending discrete datapoints for each automation breakpoint and not managing very well the intermediate values.
Yes, as avantronica, mentions it would be good to know what else there is missing from the latest manual.
Is there some extra step needed to get this to work? I am drawing / sending MIDI cc95 from Cubase to the Keys and it’s not affecting Track Level. All other relevant CCs are working (CC1, CC2) and doing what they’re supposed to.
Make sure it’s the right midi channel, I guess?
I haven’t used this in ages
Now there is overbridge, no?
I’m using Overbridge.
Using Track 1, MIDI ch 1 and all other CCs are working as they should.
Appendix D-5 of the A4 manual says Volume CC7 can control Amp, which would work.
But where can I assign CC7 to the Amp value correctly?
I’m trying to click on the Amp fader in Overbridge and go to Performance > J > Desitnation5, Volume, T1. But CC7 still doesn’t seem to do anything.
In relation to this posting.
When I write Midi cc7 to control track level, the a4 doesn’t respond. Note data only.
Cubase 8.5 with A4 and latest Firmware.