…was supposed to be playing it and ended up, for reasons which still have to be found calibrating the AR. the manual doesn’t state exactly how long this takes but does mention that it takes a while…thing is, it’s more than an hour that the AR is calibrating the synths… i’ve plugged a couple of headphones in the outputs and there’s no noise coming out…is this normal? should i wait a bit longer? is it ok to switch the machine off?
finally, after almost four hours, had to switch off the AR which seemed stuck on the synths calibration.
i tried doing the same procedure and even this time, no noise from any of the outputs. will try tomorrow with more time and see what happens
I ran calibration when I was troubleshooting my AR recently and it only took about 5 minutes…maybe 10 tops. I wasn’t paying strict attention, but it certainly wasn’t an hour or more. The sounds were only intermittent, so you would likely need to listen for a little while to hear the various blips and bleeps, especially if yours is running slower. Maybe update the firmware and try again?
i’m already on 1.02 and unfortunately nothing has changed.
i switched on the AR earlier today, waited almost three hours so that it would warm up and attain working temperature as stated in the manual, selected calibration from the menu, started calibrating and went out…
came back to find (after five hours!) the AR still calibrating the synths…so i guess something is not working properly here
what worries me is that i have to switch of the AR whilst the display shows the calibration message and i don’t like to shock the machines this way
has anyone else experienced this issue? (guess i should report it as a bug though)
i’ll try and reload the firmware in case it helps
Sorry to hear that. Sounds like an issue worth reporting.
I warmed mine up for 3 hours this morning and the calibration completed within 10 minutes as well.
Just a thought: did you try running the system test to see what it says?
just did it and there were no errors weird…
I did my calibration last night after hearing a strange noise on one of the bass toms. and it took about 45 min. Mine too was also stuck on “synths”
Sorry to hear you’re having such a hard time.
Choosing test mode from the startup is a good idea, see if it comes back with any errors.
Tried factory reset? How are you loading the OS?
What exactly is the problem you are having that you are calibrating?
I have run the calibration twice. First time it took about 10 minutes. Yesterday it took 4 minutes.
Sorry to hear the trouble. Just wondering tho How come your all calibrating? Is there an issue with your machines? I thought the manual recommends to only calibrate if told to do so by support.
Hi. Did calibrating fix the issue?
haven’ tried factory reset yet and i used C6 to upload the OS (via USB)
decided to do a calibration to check whether it would fix the noisy headphones output or not
yes it actually did, It was weird… it was like there was pink noise mixed into the signal on just that track. Have not heard it since.
OP. Not sure if a calibration would fix a noisy jack, My A4 has a noisy headphone jack when i use a 1/4 adapter on my earphones, but its fine with instrument cables. Have you tried different cables? If yes, sounds like there is a deeper issue. Check to see if it reports back any errors when doing the test mode from startup.
Know its prob not what you want to hear, but sounds like there might be a deeper issue.
Have a good one.
The same thing was happening to me. Went to turn it on one day and no sound from the headphone jack. Tried system reset and also got stuck on the calibration bit. Was packing up the unit for a return when i realized my dumb-assedness by having had been using he power cable from my Octatrack !
OMG… I did the same effin thing… Left the RYTM calibrating all night and then found this thread and sure enough, RYTM and Octatrack power cables swapped… Luckily everything seems to be working properly. Doesn’t seem to have done any damage… whew,
HAHAHAHA!! Captain idiot here checking in to join the hall of shame. Can’t believe I was using the wrong power supply . It’s been a stressful two days. Thanks to you guys i knew what to look for after letting the rytm calibration go on for over 24 hrs.