C6 is not working mac os El Capitan

I have installed C6 to receive a .syx file in a Mac OS El capitan but C6 never opens. What should I do?

Open C6. Set it to receive. Set A4 to USB only, no midi. Hit send. Then highlight the download, after you see the dump completed. Stop, then save!

I can not open the program… :frowning:

I open C6 and nothing happens

This is the second report I’ve seen of this today. The other was on Muff Wigglers but from someone running on OS X 10.7.5 (Lion?). He says it opened fine a couple of days ago but now it just bounces and bounces in the dock and doesn’t start up at all.

I used C6 the other day and it worked fine on El Capitan. I just downloaded it onto my laptop at work and it launched fine from the disk image. OS X El Capitan v10.11.5.

Sometimes there’s security settings on OS X and you may have to launch C6 the first time by right-clicking on it and selecting “Open” from the pop-up menu. A lot of these small utility apps never bother with Apple’s newer security signing options and the workaround can be a little clumsy.

That didn´t work for me. When I click in the icon the programs appears in the dock but anything else… My Mac OS version is 10.11.5

same here

Works for me…OS X 10.10.5

Yeah, that was me. The program started first time, I was able to upload the files in question to C6 fine. I didn’t do the transfer then. I start the laptop up the next day and both usb/midi transfer apps I have, C6 and SysEx Librarian just bounce like a pornstar and refuse to start now.

Frustrating stuff. It’s killing my vibe.

Fix OSX problems with Cocktail!

^ nah…

  1. quit c6
  2. open Terminal.app
  3. paste this, press enter:
find ~/Library -name "*elektron.c6*" -exec rm -rf {} \;

this removes all c6-related files (such as preferences) in your user library.


  1. delete c6
  2. forget c6.

Do you know alternatives to C6?

There seems to be an issue with the windowing system and C6 (I’m on 10.11.5 El Cap) - fixing/deleting prefs didn’t help but the fix is pretty straightforward. You could try the following:

  1. open C6,
  2. then open a window any other application, or finder window and hit the full screen button (top right of window, 3rd button in).
  3. Hit the same button again to take the other applications window out of full screen

the window for C6 should then magically appear. (If you can’t see it then - check its not in another desktop in spaces) Hope that makes sense and works for you.


Ooo… That bit about windowing reminds me of something. If you’re using any extensions like ‘Moom’ (offers some window placement/sizing enhancements), that can make some apps go squirrelly or not work at all. I encountered this with the Patchblocks editor (as of v0.33) - it just would not launch at all if Moom was running.

I don’t think C6 is a terribly fancy program, but it looks like a very basic cross-platform program. Even the text in the title window doesn’t support retina graphics, and that’s typically something offered by the operating system and should be free, so maybe it’s a Java app or from some other cross-platform toolkit that doesn’t work well with things that add tricks to the Mac OS. Or some small El Cap change makes it try to draw itself in a bad location. Or I’m just babbling.

Thank you mate your solution worked!!

I tell the problem/solution to the elektron official support and they told me they will try to fix it


Nice fix! I had not seen that one before :slight_smile:

Hi all!

Same issue here. It´s not El Capitan. It´s a bug.

In my case C6 started but there is no window open.
Tried couple of ways to get rid of it.

One thing worked.

In OS X (Sierra):

Press C6 in the top left corner and go to - Services - Service Preferences and it should open C6 as a window.

Close is it and open it again. Now you should have a floating window again =)

Hope that helped! =)

Yes it solve my problem!! Tx

Use SysEx Librarian instead

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