BPM/Pitch changing when bringing in a sample from Ableton

Hello Hello!

I recently purchased an Octatrack and have spent plenty of time learning the ins and outs but there is one thing driving me crazy that I can’t figure out and it’s preventing me from being able to perform with it.

I am creating samples/clips in Ableton and exporting them to my desktop and then copying the files to the Octatrack. When I play them in the Octatrack they are always slightly lower pitched along with the wrong bpm. Making them impossible to play along with.

I have read about some BPM issues but when I correct this manually the pitch is still off.

This seems like it should be a relatively simple fix and that I should be able to play files without them being adjusted in anyway by the Octatrack. Especially if using static machines.

The BPM in Ableton and the BPM on the Octatrack are both set to 100BPM.

Apologies if this has been asked, I’ve looked for this exact question but can only find threads that deal BPM issues with no solutions.

Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance!


dbl-tap the Playback page and make sure Rate is set to Timestretch - there are also timestretch settings in the sample attr page -best experiment with everything to see what effect it has

Are your samples at 44.1? If the sample rate is off it could cause something like this I imagine.

Yep, just experience that first hand. :wink:

Yep, just experience that first hand. :wink:
Glad you figured it out!

Yep, just experience that first hand. :wink:
I am happy somebody else just experienced this first hand because I’m feeling like a real dope! Thanks for the help everybody, that solved the problem!

Yep, just experience that first hand. :wink:
I am happy somebody else just experienced this first hand because I’m feeling like a real dope! Thanks for the help everybody, that solved the problem![/quote]
I know what you mean, I felt the same way, I imagine. Glad you sorted it out! :slight_smile:

Yep, just experience that first hand. :wink:
I am happy somebody else just experienced this first hand because I’m feeling like a real dope! Thanks for the help everybody, that solved the problem![/quote]
:+1: Excellent!