Book recommendations

Well, there is Movie Recommendations. Why not one for books?

I was listening to this podcast episode and it sounded so good that I ordered the book already. Can’t wait!

“High Bias: The Distorted History of the Cassette Tape”

The cassette tape was revolutionary. Cheap, portable, and reusable, this small plastic rectangle changed music history. Make your own tapes! Trade them with friends! Tape over the ones you don’t like! The cassette tape upended pop culture, creating movements and uniting communities.

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not a big deal but this thread already does that.

just if you want to see people’s reading interests / recommendations now as opposed to waiting.

don’t know if you’re into comics at all but there’s also this, which has a lot of good graphic novels etc.


I don’t know if I can delete a thread. If not mods can do that I hope :+1:

Still to this day one of my favorite novels.

unfortunately, the film is a real turd despite morgan freeman’s immense talent.

As @shigginpit underlined it, discussions already exist. Please have a read at them: