Blue Lantern 7200 Inspired by ARP 2600

Anyone pre-order the BLM 7200 for $1375?

BLM 7200 Modular $1375 ARP 2600 1

A few years ago, I bought one of Flavio’s systems off of eBay. Other than a broken bus board and worthless Dual Quantizer module, it was a bargain at ~$800. ~120HP of modules in an aluminum 6U case. (He overnighted a new bus board, too). His filters are amazing. The PCB panels aren’t pretty though, IMO. He did ‘borrow’ several designs years ago, which caused a stir on Muff Wiggler, but IMO he was singled-out for doing what many other designers do.

Also saw his Clouds / Monsoon standalone for $435.


that’s a pretty amazing price. wonder what the build quality is like. your story doesn’t inspire confidence…

I like the huge knobs for important things. design approach kind of reminds me of Make Noise from a distance. but up close, the little block pattern graphics are very Erica synths. and those switches are definitely the same as Cwejman. I like all this though, looks pretty great! wish it weren’t fully modular. I like semi-modulars.

sounds pretty damn good:

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Hadn’t seen the videos yet, thanks!

All that packed behind 1 (?) panel seems like it’d be harder to fix, if 1 component breaks. Maybe it’s individual boards behind the panel? But the panels are the PCBs though, so…

He does own several PCB etchers and CNC machines. Located inside his house. :smile: $$$

Re bad bus board - broken trace, easy to fix, but he shipped a new one the same day I emailed him.
Re bad Dual Quantizer - Had a Toppobrillo Quantimator too, and the BLM was much less accurate.

The standalone mega clouds looks ace!

yeah, wow! would make an amazing companion for a semi-modular synth that can make use of all that CV io without the need to fully get into modular


i’ve got one of these!

  • yes, it is separate modules behind the panel
  • god, the graphics are dense and half-pointless, cluttering up an already-busy panel. i removed a lot of them with matte black nail polish.
  • the dual quantizer is only useful after you let go of the idea that it quantizes pitch into a key (can be useful for making changeable odd scales of CV)
  • the metal case it comes mounted to has corners so sharp they’re actually dangerous. i re-mounted mine on a custom wood box.

It’s an odd bird in general. less CV than you’d expect in a lot of ways. the only CV on the envelopes, for example, is essentially a VCA on the output (and two of the four envelopes have no CV at all!). But it’s got some interesting design decisions, that one included, that lead to unique results. The envelopes and LFOs all have what is basically a coarse length knob in addition to all the normal knobs. The mixer is bizarre, integrating a ring-mod-specific channel, and generating a sub-oscillator on channel 1 (divide-down). The results are unique and thiccccc. The filter distorts easily, but richly. The TZFM oscillator, the fold-y sinus module, the unusual semi-stereo filter, all lead to a gigantic, growling character that’s achievable in a lot of different ways. The whole strange upper right module, with its envelope following, gate extraction, etc, is quite a trick to learn - but makes for a fascinating workflow once you’re into it.

i also had to tune the oscillators myself. they didn’t track well as-delivered. but with some dialing in (using trimmers accessed by removing the large knobs), they are right as rain.

Overall, it’s almost like a semi-modular synth that you need to /learn/ the basic patch of. and that basic patch is not documented. It’s not really designed to be played as a standalone system, but more a standalone voice, controlled externally. That said, i’ve had wonderful times playing it as a standalone system - they just involved experimentation beyond what the tools at hand suggest. It’s got unexpected limitations for what it is, but it has character for days. character goes a long way.

this may have sounded overall like a harsh review. but, i’m a person who readily lets go of gear that doesn’t vibe with me - and the 7200 is a forever-keeper. it’s idiosyncratic, with limitations AND capabilities that one doesn’t expect, but it’s got a great, huge, pliable sound - that sound is all its own.


Why you say dual quantiser module is useless? What’s wrong about it?