Blokas Midihub

finally got this to work with MidiPipe. not sure what the issue was before…

I’m going to try it with that for a bit before deciding if I like it enough to buy the Midihub. I’d definitely prefer that standalone solution.

Loving my Midihub overall though would of course love more pipes and features. (is there no internal midi monitoring? currently sending to usb out then using a dev app I found, anyways)

recently used it along with model:cycles and an old m-audio trigger finger to make a poly synth. knobs controlled parameters for 4 voices and sliders handled the fx controls. next idea is to see if I can send knob changes out of cycles back into itself so I can change one voice and effect them all together (similar to ctrl all but only 4 voices, want to leave 2 for bass/etc)


Anyone used the blokas with cv.ocd? I’m trying to have a dedicated midi out for it, so that I can send sequences from my octa track, or iPad or even ableton, but I cannot get it to relay any midi.

Works perfect directly into the cv.ocd from the octatrack, not sure what to do inside blokas as I’ve tried numerous iterations.

How does your patch look like in the Midihub editor?

You might want to have a look at a patch I uploaded to patchstorage, which allows sending MIDI notes 0 - 7 on channel 16 to a connected DN to mute / unmute tracks 1 - 4 (so Midihub converts the “Note On” events to CC94 0/1).

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oh nice! yeah that sounds quite similar to what I have done between Cirklon, MidiPipe and RYTM. with just some notes and channel details changed. so it’s working well for you with MidiHub?

It is working well, Midihub is a nice device - quite flexible, easy to set up. I could have used a copy-paste function in the editor, though… took me a while to assemble the patch :grinning:

There is a copy and paste for pipelines now. Right click on the first object in a pipeline, and you can duplicate it. You can also insert stuff in the middle of pipelines from files. I’m pretty sure.


Arrgh :laughing:

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I am wondering what my options are for midi processors that can take midi notes and remap them with midi+pitchbend so I can do microtonal scales. It sounds like the Midihub can do this. Also I know about the H-Pi TBX2b, and Tubbutec uTone. Wondering if there were any other options out there or if anyone has any recommendations on what might be best.

Not sure about others but the Midihub definitely does this, there’s a whole microtonal system with a built-in module, plus scales you can save and load so you don’t have to reconfigure every time.

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I was fooling around with that and was having problems working with microscales in different keys

There’s probably a way around it, I just haven’t done it yet.

You tell me now after I already went ahead and ordered one :smile: . The creators seem pretty keen on implementing new features and fixing bugs though so hopefully it won’t be an issue.

Any chance an iPad via usb/ I-connect midi in/out can be used with blokas? I’m trying to send midi / sysex commands to the digitone and rytm without any luck.

I don’t think MidiHub deals with Sysex, at least not yet, but it’s been requested often.

Hi - Is there a comparison somewhere between the Midihub, Bome Box, Zoia and Morning Star MC3/6?

I’m looking for something I can use to send series of commands to my Octatrack for a single button press such as:



And potentially other macros/processing.

I like that the Zoia and Morning Star has pedal switches built in and the Midihub has more than one in/out port.


The Bome Box can do that, but you’d need to have a midi translator pro license as well, to set up the automation, and you’d need to add some midi switches. It’s really more of a general purpose midi router, but you can use it for something like that if you really want to.

The Midihub is similar; less strong on the routing (it’s limited to the 4x4 DIN ports plus processing some virtual midi over USB) but better at general purpose midi mangling, midi LFOs, etc.

Zoia I guess can do some similar stuff, but it’s intended as an audio processor; using it just for midi seems a bit odd.

I think you’d be better served by a relatively basic programmable midi foot pedal if that’s all you need.

Hi @Dymaxion, thanks for that clear summary - I’m starting to think the same as well. I have a tendency to look for the most powerful/flexibility solution but often it ends up being overkill.

The only thing is I’ve found very few midi pedals/midi controllers that can send multiple messages per switch.

There is the Behringer FCB1010 that apart from being rather large have limit of only a 3 program changes and 2 cc controls per present .

I came across Midi Baby 3 but seems like it has some issues.

At the moment, the Morning Star MC3/6 seem to do it - they allow up to 16 controls per preset and reviews look good.

I got everyone of them !

Zoia can work with midi but it is not really convenient, hard to keep track of everything.

MC6 is a command sender, no processing here.
But it can send 16 msg at once like you said, so nice for nrpn and stuff like stopping seq, sending pchng and restart sequencer for instant pattern switching on elektron. 6 per page ( minus page switching ones ), 2 pages per preset, 30 presets. Used it a ton with my octa. It has a realtime mode for precise use with live loopers.

Bome box is extremely powerfull midi processor, probably two much for lots of people.
It can count, recognize keystrokes on computer keyboard, write text etc…
The setup is a bit clunky at first but can send virtually any number of command simultaneously.
Data powerhouse !
Its main difference with the Midihub is that it can store local and global variables and mangle those with I/O infos.

The midi hub is more friendly to use but lacks variables. 4 din I/O is extremly nice to have.

Do not pass on midi solutions event processors/+ they are small bome box basically.With a limited number of processing lanes.

In the end if your goal is to send multiples commands at a press of a switch ( and be hands free), and if you do not need to process datas, I would recommend MorningStar products.


haha so I hit the pipe limit using this. I adapted it for the RYTM, then added that to yours. works great. but if I try adding to that for the OT as well… BOOM pipe limit hit. forget adding M:C to that!

I inquired on the forum if it’s possible to simplify that patch to use less pipes. we’ll see…