Blank Screen Error. Is it that bad?

Hi there,
Today, during my soundcheck, my Analog Keys crashed.
A blank screen appeared when i turned it on and no sound was coming out of it.
We tried to restart the synth 4 times but nothing changed. For a few minutes, my Analog Keys was completely unusable.

The 5th time, the synth worked perfectly and I was able to play my show as usual.

What does it means? Should I be scared? Should I send it to repair
If i should send it to repair, where should I send it?

In other words for my people in Lyon, France :
Mon synthé m’a planté pendant mes balances (écran blanc + pas de son) mais a miraculeusement marché juste avant mon concert. Est-ce qu’il faut que je l’envoie en maintenance, si oui, vous avez des bons plans sur Lyon/Vienne?

It’s hard to say, but it’s generally good practice to wait about 20s or so to reboot after switching off. Anything going wrong following a crash, may need the board resettling itself (in terms of super-capacitors etc) before trying again, and again.

That will help isolate the issue further if it happens again, just pause a little between power down and power up

Another thing to try carefully, is to very gently move the cable and barrel of the dc power supply at the connection point on the rear of the synth , it’s not uncommon for a connector to get accidentally stressed and it could be a marginal connection within the cable or even with the receptacle on the synth. Again, checking this gently may help rule out typical problems. It’s also worth running the test mode to check for issues, just in case they are revealed. Power up whilst holding the Function button down and select Test Mode, be sure to read the manual on all the options there before venturing in, but the test mode should give another easy aspect to help rule in/out certain possible causes whilst you try to ascertain the cause.

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Oh thanks! I’ll try

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I’ve had this a few times before. It used to be worse for me on earlier firmware for some reason (we’re talking here back in 2017/2018 kinda time), are you up to date with firmware updates? I don’t know what causes it. I did consider sending it in for repair but the problem always resolves itself eventually.

Yes the synth is up to date.