Big thumbs up for Digitone Midi Loopback

Yep me too. Kind of a weird bug I guess.

If you have DT+DN, the same stuff that you could do with loopback you can do by having the DT control the DN while the DN controls the DT… :slight_smile:


Hmmm good point :grin:


I actually haven’t done this yet, but with the midi loopback, you could dedicate a midi track to the sole function of chaining patterns. That way, you could just chain a bunch of patterns together to create a song, and if you want any pattern to loop for a bit, all you’d need to do is mute the midi track.

This sounds like it would be a fun/interesting take on the typical song-mode that incorporates the most minimal/manageable of manual interaction with the machine.


I’m not sure what the internal midi implementation is like (as this isn’t my area of expertise at all) but it would be so cool if they just had a menu-item to create the loop. There are already fairly extensive controls for sending/receiving program change, sync, channel, etc. Seems like it would be relatively trivial.


As well as use conditional program changes to jump to random patterns. @void showed this off in an early vid.


Ah, yes. I wasn’t even considering conditional trigs for some odd reason. With conditional trigs, you could have patterns loop in the chain without even having to manually mute anything. Your basic song-mode is all there by dedicating a midi channel to sending program changes. Conditional trigs add a unique/interesting twist to it all.

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Yep, and if you have two of the Digi boxes then not even any danger of midi loop crashes.

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Elektron should cater to this without requiring a cable!


I feel like they have to draw a line somewhere… If you could route the midi tracks to modulate internal tracks then you would still be able to send it midi from another sequencer and it would need more horsepower to not choke… It seems like it’s almost asking for it to be twice as powerful…

I’d love it though, just a theory…

I’m wondering if anyone reading this is using two digitones to control each other over midi?
I guess I don’t understand why I’m getting loopback, or better, why it isn’t consistent? If I have a new init project on each digitone and I set one to send clock and one to recieve. I turn program change send and recieve off. I have one digitones tracks set to midi channels 1, 2, 3, and 4 and the other 5, 6, 7 and 8. I turn fx and auto channel off (maybe auto channel is the problem?) Everything works fine for a few hours. I can sequence each digitone with the other, although there is a slight lag, I can send and recieve cc and I can press double stop. After a little bit or it seems after I turn digitones off and back on, I eventualy get double stop hang loopback.
I don’t understand what im doing to have it work fine for a couple hours and then give me loopback? If I re init new projects and re set my midi settings, everything works fine again for a bit, but eventually I get double stop loopback.
Maybe this is common behavior that coincidentally only happens after I’ve hit stop a few times, then it hangs? Maybe it’s due to me turning auto channel off? Maybe it’s tied to turning power off and on after setting it up?
Is everyone else able to run midi from digitone to digitone or Digitakt and not get double stop loopback? Is this common? I thought it only happened if you were looping midi directly back into a single machine but I do understand I suppose since there is no transport control setting available. Maybe if I turn clock send and recieve off?

Hi PTSowns.
I’ve also got the Duotone setup.
Only clock send and receive.
Also aware of the (double stop) loopback problem, single and double unit.
Just recently had a hanging unit, using the 2 DN’s together, and eventually lost one and half hours of work on the unit sending the clock.
It happened after double stop, took a break of approximately one our, and pressing play again on the ‘master’ unit.
Strange thing was that I had saved my work on both units before I took a break, and after restarting the ‘master’ unit my previously saved pattern was gone.
It seems to be a very irregular returning problem.
Same as your experience.
If I come across some solution, I will post here.
Just needs some more investigation… and probably some attention for the DN developers.
Kind regards, Sander.

So I actually fixed my issue. Digitone 1 sending midi clock to digitone 2 set to recieve. Digitone 2 midi back to Digi 1 caused a hang loopback with double stop. I changed digitone 1 to send and RECIEVE clock and digitone 2 just to recieve and I don’t get hang double stop loopback anymore.


Thanks for the quick reply.
I only had DN 1 sending clock to DN 2, not sending back midi from DN 2 to DN 1.
If I may ask, what auto channel settings do you use on both units at the moment?
Tomorrow I will check the other settings you mentioned.

I turned auto channel off in channel settings on both units. Yeah I have then sending midi to each other so I can p lock CC’s from one to the other. Master digitone is set to send and receive, digitone 2 is set to receive and not send. Program change send and receive are both set to off and auto channel is turned off on both

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Digi 1 is set to receive on 1, 2, 3, and 4 and sending cc on track channel, as well as set to receive cc. Digi 2 is on 5, 6, 7 and 8 with same cc settings

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Thanks for the info.
Have to try those settings tomorrow.
I’ll get back to you if that works for me too.
Hope I can set the program change send on DN 1, and receive on DN 2 without a problem though.
Talk to you later…

Sounds good, I also have noticed I have to turn them on one at a time or the second one will freeze at power up

Hi PTSowns,

Everything works fine now, without the DN hanging by double stop.
However, my first idea was using the midi tracks of unit 1 sending back to itself because there is a lot of latency when sending midi from unit 2 to unit 1. And it’s really nice to use one unit only for drums, and one only for bass, melody and pads.
It’s really problematic when triggering notes on an arpeggiated sound from the midi tracks of unit 2 to unit 1. Timing is off, so sometimes a note will play, and sometimes not.
That’s not happening when triggering a note from unit 1 to itself.
Maybe a midi device with filtering options will solve this problem.
Time for further explorations…

Hi tengig,

Would you be able to tell us about your experience with your MIO4, regarding the Midi filtering and the double stop hang problem with the DN?

I’m eager to know more about the possibilities of this device.

Kind regards, Sander